Shibo He 、 Jiming Chen 、 Xu Li 、, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen and Youxian Sun State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, Zhejiang University, China 、 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, Univ Lille Nord de France IEEE INFOCOM 2012 Cost-Effective Barrier Coverage by Mobile Sensor Networks 1
Outline Introduction Goal Assumption Problem formulation Periodic Monitoring Scheduling algorithm Coordinated Sensor Patrolling algorithm Distributed CSP Simulation Conclusion 2
Introduction Wireless sensor networks have received a lot of attention due to their potential applications in various areas Environmental monitoring The placement of sensors related to coverage issues is intensively studied in the literature, and can be divided into three categories. Target coverage Full coverage Barrier coverage 3
Introduction The target coverage problem (Points of Interest, PoI) aims at monitoring specific points in the field of interest. MuseumCampusMilitary 4
Introduction The full coverage problem (Areas of Interest, AoI) aims at covering the whole area. Sensors are deployed to maximize the covered area. 5
Introduction The barrier coverage problem Aim at detecting intrusion on a given area. Sensors have to form a dense barrier in order to detect each event that crosses the barrier. USA Intruder 6
Introduction Existing solutions to barrier coverage in mobile sensor networks implicitly assume the availability of sufficient sensors. K-barrier One-barrier K-BarrierOne-Barrier 7
Introduction These solutions will fail to work when sensor scarcity and budget limitation. the performance of detecting intruder decreasing K-BarrierOne-Barrier 8
Goal In the case of sensor scarcity, this paper proposed two algorithms to Improve the probability of detecting intruder Decrease sensor’s moving distance 9
Assumption The belt region of interest Ω with two long parallel boundaries. m sensors are needed to guarantee full barrier coverage but there are only n mobile sensors available (n < m). l Ω 10
Problem formulation max γ while min L Average intruder detection probability Average sensor moving distance : the state of intruder arrival : the state of sensor presence at point i t t the distance that sensor j moves in time t 11
Patrolling algorithms Periodic Monitoring Scheduling Coordinated Sensor Patrolling 12
Periodic Monitoring Scheduling The basic idea of PMS is to let the sensors monitor each point periodically. there are m points, but only have n (n<m)mobile sensors to monitor. sensor at point j moves to point mod(j + n, m) and sensing the point for T time slots ABC A A A A B B B B C C C C t0t0 t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 t4t B 2 mod(2+3,5)=0 mod(0+3,5)=3 mod(3+3,5)=1 mod(1+3,5)=4
Periodic Monitoring Scheduling The basic idea of PMS is to let the sensors monitor each point periodically. Presenting PMS algorithm to solve barrier coverage problem formulated Average intruder detection probability Average sensor moving distance 14
Periodic Monitoring Scheduling Average intruder detection probability the steady-state probability of intruder arrival at each slot 15
Periodic Monitoring Scheduling Average sensor moving distance proof : the minimum scheduling period : How many time slots that each point is monitored by sensors : How many time slots in the monitoring period sensor’s moving distance when j+n > m sensor’s moving distance when j+n <= m 16
Patrolling algorithms Periodic Monitoring Scheduling Coordinated Sensor Patrolling 17
Coordinated Sensor Patrolling A centralized coordinated sensor patrolling algorithm. Exploiting the temporal correlation of intruder arrival times to improve average intruder detection probability γ. 18
Coordinated Sensor Patrolling Intruder arrival analysis t=1 t=2 τ τ+1 τ+2 one intruder arrives at slot τ +2 two intruders arrive,one at slot τ +1 and the other is τ +2 the probability that the next intruder arrival is at slot τ +t given the last intruder arrival time is τ. Cumulative Distribution Function 19
Coordinated Sensor Patrolling Intruder arrival analysis After an intruder arrives at a point, the probability that an intruder will arrive again at the same point in the next few time slots is very small. 20
Coordinated Sensor Patrolling Point selection step Coordinated movement step 21
Coordinated Sensor Patrolling Point selection step Three principles A sensor should move to another point if it detects an intruder at the point in the previous time slot. A sensor should not leave its current point until it detects an intruder A A Available 22 B B Unavailable
Coordinated Sensor Patrolling Point selection step Three principles A sensor should move to another point if it detects an intruder at the point in the previous time slot. A sensor should not leave its current point until it detects an intruder The points with highest q t should be selected if a sensor wants to find a point to monitor. 23 : the number of time slots that there is no sensor at point j &
Coordinated Sensor Patrolling Coordinated movement step In order to reduce the total moving unavailable sensors do not necessarily stay at their previous points distance of each sensor. 24 t0t t1t1
Distributed CSP Distributed variants Simple DCSP 25
Distributed CSP Simple DCSP Initialization phase Dynamic movement phase 26
Simple DCSP Initialization phase The leader Indicating how the sensor likes to monitor the points. distribute the preference level of each sensor among the points. Assign a preference level to points AB C A 27
Simple DCSP Initialization phase A m=5,n=3 ABC A 0 A 1 28
Simple DCSP Initialization phase A B C A B B C 29
Simple DCSP Dynamic movement phase A sensor should not leave its current point until it detects an intruder. Sensor moves to the new point with high Each sensor moves between points in MS i Collision problem 30
Simple DCSP Dynamic movement phase Collision problem it will set I ij = 0 and recalculate Sensor i and sensor i+1 generate random number from and exchange their number B C A A 31
Simulation Using MATLAB to perform the simulation The network operation time is divided into time slots, each with 1 unit simulated time. 32
Simulation Performance of PMS Average intruder detection probability v.s. T slots 33
Simulation Performance of CSP Average intruder detection probability v.s. number of sensor 34 Performance γ for different n and m when β = 4.
Simulation Average intruder detection probability v.s. number of sensor 35 when β = 2when β = 6
Conclusion In the case of sensor scarcity, this paper proposed Periodic monitoring scheduling algorithm Coordinated sensor patrolling algorithm reduce the application budget. provides a new cost-effective approach to achieve barrier coverage in large-scale mobile sensor networks. 36
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