Tuesday, Feb Update your spiral DateEntry TitleEntry # 1/26George Washington Domestic Policy notes 7 1/27 George Washington Quote Activity 8 1/30George Washington Foreign Policy notes 9 2/1Political Party Activity 10 2/6John Adams movie (KwL) 11 2/6John Adams notes 12 2.Turn to entry #12 and finish your notes/questions/summary from yesterday 3.Pick up a political cartoon (colored picture is on page 290)
– 2 nd Period NameMandatory Tutorials – Tuesday, Feb. 7 Learning Recover – Wednesday 2/8 ChuckX(#6) Hannahx(# 5, 7/9) LupeX(#2, 7/9) MattX(#5,) MackenzieX (#2, 7/9) Destiny R.X (# 2) TylerThurs., Feb. 9 (#6)Mon., Feb. 13 (#7/9)
– 3 rd Period NameMandatory Tutorials – Tuesday, Feb. 7 Learning Recover – Wednesday 2/8 AlexX (#2, 7/9) YuliX(#6)X(#2, 5) JackX(#2) AlejandraX(# 2, 5) AmbienX(# 7/9) P.J.X(#2, 5)
5 th Period NameMandatory Tutorials – Tuesday, Feb. 7 Learning Recover – Wednesday 2/8 BriceX (#2)X (#5, 7/9) Aaronx(# 5, 6) NathalieX (#2,6)X(# 5, 7/9) HaileyX(#6)X(# 7/9) ChaseX(#7/9) WillX (#7/9) JesseX(#6)X (#2, 5, 7/9)
6 th Period NameMandatory Tutorials – Thursday, Feb. 7 Learning Recover – Monday 2/13 ElizabethX (# 7/9) XaiverX(#5, 7/9) Machaix(# 5,7/9) Andrew S.X (#5)x(#7/9) ShannonX Bill of Rights testX(#7/9) AnthonyX (#7/9)
8 th Period NameMandatory Tutorials – Thursday, Feb. 2/9 Learning Recover – Wednesday 2/13 JesseX (# 7/9) Ethanx(# 5) Joelx(#5, 7/9) DianeX(# 5) SammyX(# 7/9) CameronX(#5)X(# 2,7/9) AllysonX (#7/9) RandaX(#6)X (#2, 5, 7/9) AlexisX(#7/9)
XYZ Affair 5M
#12 Feb. 6: John Adams Notes (Pages ) 1. John Adams Takes Office 2.Problems with France 3.The Alien and Sedition Acts 4. Peace with France 4 questions over your notes Summary Come get the Political Cartoon (colored picture on page 290)
What to study for my test tomorrow? Spiral entry #’s 5 (Vocabulary) 7 (George Washington’s Domestic Policy notes) 9 (George Washington's Foreign Policy notes) 10 (Political Party activity. Make sure you know the differences b/w Jefferson and Hamilton) 12 (John Adams notes) You will have 2 mini essay questions to answer in addition to multiple choice, fill in the blank, and T/F