“Do not love the world or the things in the world”
Just as I am not of this world, 17:14 Kept from the evil one, 17:15 In fellowship with Christ, 17:16 Sanctified, 17:17, 19 John 17:
“This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through…” “Anywhere with Jesus…is home sweet home” “Here we are but straying pilgrims” “I’ve a home prepared where the saints abide, just over in the glory land. And I long to be by my Savior’s side, just over in the glory land.” 3
Fearful thought: Worldliness makes us God’s enemy…lost! Jas 4:4 Forceful temptations: Struggle with Satan is real, yet winnable, 1 Pet 2:11; 5:9 Fortunate timing: Time to examine and repent! 2 Pet 3:9 Faithful transformation: From darkness to light, 2 Pet 1:3-4 4
Christians are being seduced by the world! Prov 7:6-27 Honest examination needed, 2 Cor 13:5 Indignantly: “No, I have not!” Timidly: “I don’t think so” or “I hope not” Honestly untaught: “What do you mean by worldliness?” 5
Includes our motives, attitudes and values as well as our conduct, Rom 12:2 When we imitate the world in these things – we are worldly! Our objective: Overcome the world in Christ and live for Him, Jno 16:33; Rom 8:37; 1 Jno 5:4 6 System of evil that opposes God 1 Jno 2:15; Jas 4:4
Lust of the flesh: CARNALITY Food – Good, but gluttony is sinful, Prov 23:20-21 Drink – Good, but alcohol is sinful, 1 Pet 4:3 Sleep – Good, but laziness is sinful, Prov 6:10-11 Sex – Good, but outside marriage sinful, 1 Cor 7:2 Carnal fulfillment: Sin and Death James 1: Things of the world 1 John 2:15-17
Lust of the eyes: COVETOUSNESS Selfish consumption to please self, Jas 4:1-3 Life is not about how much pleasure we consume and how many things we possess, Lk 12:15; Matt 16:26 8 Things of the world 1 John 2:15-17
Pride of life: CONCEIT Stresses outward but neglects the soul, 1 Pet 3:3-4 Everything will be left to others, Eccl 2:18 (Jas 4:13-15); 1 Ths 4:11-12 Honor God, not yourself, Jno 5:44 (8:29) 9 Things of the world 1 John 2:15-17
Thorns that choke out spiritual life These “thorns” include… Anxiety about life, Matt 6:25-33; Phil 4:6-8 Materialism (deceitfulness of riches), Matt 6:24; Col 3:5; 1 Tim 6:6, 10; Phil 4: Cares of the world Lk 8:14; Mk 4:18-19
Pleasures of life, 1 Tim 5:6 (Heb 11:25) God declares some pleasures sinful Lewdness, lust, pornography, immodesty, social and recreational drinking, dancing… 1 Pet 4:3-4 Be careful that you do not come to view these things as the normal way of life! 11 Cares of the world Lk 8:14; Mk 4:18-19
Pleasures of life Some are not sinful until we put them before God, 2 Tim 4:10 Too busy to pray, study, help others, worship? Too tired? Too distracted? These are things we choose! Josh 24:15; Heb 2:2-3; 12: Cares of the world Lk 8:14; Mk 4:18-19
We control our minds, Rom 8:5; Col 3:1-3 Choose to occupy our minds with spiritual things! Col 3:16 Declare war on worldly thinking! Phil 4:8 (2 Cor 10:4-5) 13 1 Jno 4:4; 5:4
We control our bodies, Rom 6:13-14 Obey the will of God, 1 Jno 2:17 Glorify God in our body, 1 Cor 6: Jno 4:4; 5:4
We must take inventory of our minds and our bodies (2 Cor 13:5) What is my mind on each day: Evil or good? Does my conduct show that I am living for heaven? 15 1 Jno 4:4; 5:4