Wall painting with three horses facing one another, Chauvet Cave. c. 30,000 BCE.
Venus of Willendorf. c. 25,000–20,000 BCE. height 4 1/2 in.
Basin. Majiayao culture, Majiayao phase, c. 3000–2700 BCE. diameter 11 in.
Beaker with ibex, dogs, and long-necked birds. c. 5000–4000 BCE.
Stonehenge. c BCE.
Worshippers and deities from the Abu Temple. c. 2900–2600 BCE. height of tallest figure 30 in.
Stele of Hammurabi. c BCE. height of stele approximately 7 ft.; height of relief 28 in.
Assurnasirpal II Killing Lions, from the palace complex of Assurnasirpal II. c. 850 BCE. height approximately 39 in.
Map of Ancient Mesopotamia, Babylonia, and Egypt.
Palette of King Narmer (front). c BCE. height 25 in.
Palette of King Narmer (back). c BCE. height 25 in.
King Khafre. c BCE. height 66 1/8 in.
Queen Nefertiti. c BCE. height 19 5/8 in.
Torso of a “priest-king,” from Mohenjo-daro. Indus valley civilization, c. 200–190 BCE. height 7 7/9 in.
Five-eared ding with dragon pattern. c BCE. height 48 in., diameter at mouth 32 3/4 in.
Colossal head, from La Venta, Mexico. Olmec culture, c. 900–500 BCE. height 7 ft. 5 in.
The “Toreador” fresco. c BCE. Height, including upper border, approximately 24 1/2 in.
The Warrior Vase. Mycenae, c BCE. Height approximately 14 in.
The City-States of Ancient Greece.
The Acropolis today, viewed from the southwest, Athens, Greece.
Nike, from the balustrade of the Temple of Athena Nike. c. 410–407 BCE. height 42 in.
Apoxyomenos (The Scraper). c. 350–325 BCE. height 6 ft. 8 1/2 in.
Nike of Samothrace. c. 190 BCE. height approximately 8 ft.
The Laocoön Group. Roman copy, perhaps after Agesander, Athenodorus, and Polydorus of Rhodes. First century CE.
Portrait of a Boy. Early third century BCE. height 9 in.
She-Wolf. c. 500 BCE. height 33 1/2 in.
The Roman Empire at Its Greatest Extent, c. 180 CE.
Augustus of Primaporta. c. 20 BCE. height 6 ft. 8 in.
The Arch of Titus. c. 81 CE. height 50 ft., width 44 ft. 4 in.
Attributed to Apollodorus. Column of Trajan. 113 CE. height originally 128 ft., length of frieze approximately 625 ft.
Attributed to Apollodorus. Lower portion of the Column of Trajan. 113 CE.
Flying Horse Poised on One Leg on a Swallow. Late Han dynasty, second century CE. height 13 1/2 in., length 17 3/4 in.
Ritual Disc with Dragon Motif (Pi). Eastern Zhou dynasty, Warring States period, fourth–third century BCE. diameter 6 1/2 in.
Lady of Dai with Attendants. Han dynasty, after 168 BCE.
The Great Stupa at Sanchi, view of the West Gateway. Founded third century BCE, enlarged c. 150–50 BCE. Shrine height 50 ft., diameter 105 ft.