Chapter 8 In the Beginning
Chapter 8A Biblical Creationism
I. Biblical Creationism A. Important Definitions
Biblical Creationism The belief that the physical universe, including the earth and all living things, was created by God
Evolutionism The belief that the physical universe and life were not created, but happened by natural processes
I. Biblical Creationism A.Important Definitions B.What the Bible Teaches
1. God created by direct acts. a) Spoke things into existence (Genesis 1) b) Made everything from nothing c) It was all very good (Genesis 1:31)
B. What the Bible Teaches 2. God sustains His creation. (Psalm 104 and Col. 1:17) 3. God reveals His power through His creation. a) Creation testifies that God exists (Romans 1:20)
B. What the Bible Teaches 4. God revealed the sequence of Creation in the Bible. (Genesis 1) 5. God specially created mankind. a) We are hand-made! (Genesis 2:7)
B. What the Bible Teaches 6. Because God created mankind, mankind is responsible to God. (Psalm 100:3)
B. What the Bible Teaches 7. God’s creation is degenerating. a) Sin and the curse (Genesis 3:6-19 and Romans 8:22) b) Supported by 2 nd Law of Thermodynamics
I. Biblical Creationism A.Important Definitions B.What the Bible Teaches C.Age of the Earth
1. Short-day View a) Based on a literal view of the Bible b) The Creation week was made up of seven 24-hour days.
C. Age of the Earth 1.Short-day View c) Organisms were created mature d) God did not need, nor did He use, millions of years
C. Age of the Earth 1.Short-day View e) Using the Bible, the earth’s age is estimated to be about 6000 years. * Genealogies * Known as young-earth creationists
C. Age of the Earth 2. Long-day View a) Each day in Genesis 1 is actually a long period of time * 2 Peter 3:8
C. Age of the Earth 2. Long-day View b) Using this approach, the Earth could be billions of years old * 4.6 billion years * old-earth theory
C. Age of the Earth 3. Evidence a) Fossils
Fossil A trace or remnant of an organism that has been preserved by natural means
C. Age of the Earth 3. Evidence a) Fossils * most fossils are sedimentary fossils (formed by sedimentation)
Sedimentation The settling out of materials as a moving substance slows down
C. Age of the Earth 3. Evidence a) Fossils * most sedimentary fossils require large amounts of water to form
C. Age of the Earth 3. Evidence a) Fossils * most sedimentary fossils require quick burial
C. Age of the Earth 3. Evidence a) Fossils * only could occur during a major catastrophe
C. Age of the Earth 3. Evidence a) Fossils b) Fossil Interpretation
* Creationists and evolutionists have the same fossil evidence. * Their interpretations are very different because of their different worldviews.
b) Fossil Interpretation * Evolutionists: – Long time to form fossil layers – Geologic column Older layers on the bottom Older layers on the bottom Younger layers at the top Younger layers at the top
b) Fossil Interpretation * Challenges: – Layers sometimes in different orders – Some large fossils extend through several layers – No partially evolved organisms have been found
b) Fossil Interpretation * Creationists: – Most fossils were formed by the Genesis Flood Fossils require lots of water to be formed Fossils require lots of water to be formed Fossils must be formed quickly Fossils must be formed quickly
I. Biblical Creationism A.Important Definitions B.What the Bible Teaches C.Age of the Earth D.Other Theories
1. Theistic Evolution a) Mixes the Bible and biological evolution together. b) a compromise
Compromise to give something up in order to come to an agreement
1. Theistic Evolution c) Problems * It ignores a literal reading of Genesis 1 * It treats man as merely another product of biological evolution
1. Theistic Evolution c) Problems * It suggests millions of years of suffering and death occurred before the creation of Adam (Romans 5:12)
1. Theistic Evolution c) Problems * It limits the omniscient, omnipotent God to create using only natural processes or random forces of evolution
Omniscient All knowing
Omnipotent All able
D. Other Theories 2. Gap Theory a) the belief that a “first creation” existed and was destroyed between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2
D. Other Theories 2. Gap Theory b) problems: * “was”, not “became” is the better translation in Genesis 1:2 based on Hebrew grammar
D. Other Theories 2. Gap Theory b) problems: * why would God destroy a previous creation that was good?
D. Other Theories 2. Gap Theory b) problems: * the destruction of a previous creation would have to include death
D. Other Theories 3. Progressive creationism a) belief that creation occurred in spurts over a long period of time rather than a short period of time
D. Other Theories 3. Progressive creationism b) problems: * it ignores a literal reading of Genesis 1
D. Other Theories 3. Progressive creationism b) problems: * It suggests millions of years of suffering and death occurred before the creation of Adam (Romans 5:12)
long-day theory short-day theory
young-earth theory old-earth theory
non-gap theory Gap theory
Biblical Creationism Scientific data, correctly interpreted, supports the Christian faith.