UNIT 8 My Friend Lives Under the Sea. Vocabulary coral n. 珊瑚 seaweed n. 海草 grocery n. 食品雜貨 submarine n. 潛水艇 input v. 輸入 underwater adj. 水中的 coral reef.


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Presentation transcript:

UNIT 8 My Friend Lives Under the Sea

Vocabulary coral n. 珊瑚 seaweed n. 海草 grocery n. 食品雜貨 submarine n. 潛水艇 input v. 輸入 underwater adj. 水中的 coral reef n. 珊瑚礁 hair seaweed n. 髮菜 grocer n. 食品雜貨商 submariner n. 潛水艇人員 input - inputted – inputted underground adj. 地下的

Phrases look forward to 期待 They are looking forward to her visit. 他們在期待著她的來訪。 below ground level 地平面以下 The lowest habitable story of a building, usually below ground level. 地下室可居住的最低的建築物樓層,通常在地平面以下。 look out over 向外看 She has a pleasant office which looks out over the park. 她有一個令人愉快的向外可看到公園的辦公室。

Review P.35 A 、 B part 1.The bottom is the lowest part of something. 2. Seaweed is a kind of plant that grows in the ocean. 3. They traveled across the ocean on a large sailboat. 4. We went scuba diving and saw many colorful fish underwater. 5. A(n) submarine is a kind of boat that can travel under the sea. 6. There is a beautiful view of the city from the top of this building. 7. When you ring something, you cause a bell to make sound. A. part B. part 1.I am really looking forward to visiting Paris next summer. 2.My bedroom window looks out over my neighbor’s yard. 3.The apartment building’s parking garage is located below ground level.

Preview 黑鮪魚 black tuna 烏魚 mullet 烏魚子 mullet roe 虱目魚 milkfish 獨角鯨 narwhal 魟魚 skate 鱟 king crab 旗魚 sailfish 河豚 globe fish