1 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 LTC(R) Jay Hicks, PMP Sandy Hoath Cobb, PMP, PfMP, PgMP 24 April REASONS YOUR CHAPTER NEEDS A MILITARY LIAISON
2 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 As a Chapter Leaders, What are Your: Pain Points?Pain Points? Goals?Goals? Membership?Leaders?Certification?Diversity? Cross Market Support?
3 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 PMI Military Liaison Recent News
4 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 PMI Military Liaison Global News Mark Langley, CEO of the PMI, spoke directly to the project management opportunity for military personnel by stating that “…many veterans have project management experience – just under a different name.” Government & Military are highly projectized environments “Veterans are a Natural Fit in the project management world.” Source: Why Veterans Make Good Project Managers, January 30, 2012, Fox Business. A mission is to a military professional, as a project is to a civilian project manager
5 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Chapter Challenge! 7 Reasons Why Your Chapter Benefits from a….. Why? How many Veterans are in your chapter? Military Liaison
6 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Untapped market Natural Fit 1 ….. Grow Your Membership 1.2 Million over the 5 year period will exit service
7 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Volunteer Leadership Challenge Sustainability Learning curve Behavior and skills Veterans = Natural Leaders 2 ….. Enhance Your Leadership Team Players Quick Learners Performance Under Pressure Discipline Adaptability
8 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 3 …..Increase Your Certification Numbers Military CAPM and PMP! MOU between PMI and DAU PMP skills recognized PMP is understood in DOD
9 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Skills Translation – gain perspective Share Experiences and Knowledge More Project Managers -- validation 4 ….. Enrich Your Chapter’s Diversity VALUE STRATEGY GLOBAL TRANSORMATIVE – SERVICE DIVERSE = experience and appreciation of working in a respectful manner with others with diverse backgrounds and viewpoints FIDUCIARY NETWORK AMBASSADOR
10 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Community footprint Create a Market Connection for Military Strengthen Community Relationships Bridge the Gap PMI Chapter Military Liaison 5 ….. Increase Cross-Market Support (Practitioner to Organization)
11 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Personal Knowledge –Diversity –Enhanced Commercial Skills Community –Who is PMI? We are! –We support the military – do you? 6….. Broaden PMI Awareness Professionalism * Volunteerism * Community Engagement * Project Management Impact 16 Liaisons are in place throughout the country
12 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Leverage Community - Endorse Transitioning Military Assist other Organizations with Commitment to Veterans Kinship in Aiding Veteran Education A Honorable Cause 7….. Servant Leadership “Serving those who have Served” Kendall Lott, Past President, PMI Washington D.C. VALUE = appreciation of the value of the profession served by PMI STRATEGY GLOBAL TRANSOFRMATIVE – SERVICE = willingness and experience to serve others DIVERSE FIDUCIARY NETWORK AMBASSADOR
13 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Why Region 14? Relevant & Significant!! Why Region 14? Relevant & Significant!! Early Adopters
14 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 MacDill RSA Benning Gordon MNAS PNAS SOUTHCOM Patrick JBC Jackson Stewart Hunter Hurlburt Eglin Maxwell Campbell Robins Dobbins 20 SFG Rucker Why Region 14? Relevant & Significant!! Why Region 14? Relevant & Significant!! JNAS 90% of Chapters In R14 have Military Base Within 20 Miles!!
15 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Implementation PMI - Military Liaison Road is Paved “Cook Book” Exists Completely Transparent Customizable Standing by to Help Easy
16 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 So….. How does a Chapter Create a Military Liaison Position? The Military Liaison ‘cookbook’ offers the how-to’s including: –Value statement for Chapter –Position description –Presentations –Local activities –Offers success right out of the gate! PMI Military Liaison LinkedIn Group
17 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Selecting a Military Liaison Commitment, Commitment, Commitment –Liaison, President, Chapter, Region Sustainable Team –Select 2 Military Liaisons (Buddy System) –Willing to Cover for Each Other (Got your Six) –Commit Today – (See Sandy and Jay After Brief) “Truly, this is a noble purpose, if you are committed you must build a sustainable team!” ~ John Watson, Former Region 14 Mentor
18 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Follow Me!.... ………….Follow Region 14!!! The PMI Military Liaison “It is great that our volunteer organization is assisting transitioning veterans, after all of the sacrifices they have made for us!” ~ Jim Devine, Region 14 Mentor
19 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14
20 7 Reasons Your Chapter Needs a Military Liaison R14 Gr8MilitaryPM.com Jay Hicks is a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel who successfully transitioned as a civilian project manager after 20 years of global responsibility. As a civilian, he has been PMO Director for USCENTCOM and USSOCOM, and Deputy Program Manager for L-3 and BAE. Jay is a PMP, author, and has driven the idea and grass roots efforts of the PMI Military Liaison. Sandy Cobb is the IT Strategy Planner at United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) through Jacobs Technology. She has 30+ years IT and consulting experience with government and business, including running her own software company for 12 years. Sandy volunteers for numerous PMI groups, has written and authored books in the field of Project Management, and has achieved the PfMP, PgMP, and PMP.