THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 1 UCB, April 19, 2004 TITLE: Test Flow RFA CODE: UCB-10 REQUESTED BY: Preble SPECIFIC REQUEST: We recommend that UCB define the development, engineering model, qualification, and acceptance testing approach for all of the THEMIS instruments. We think that this could be contained in an I&T test plan. For starters, however, we recommend that each instrument team (or the project-level system engineering team) develop a flow chart identifying the testing that will be conducted. The conditions of the testing such as temperature, vacuum or air, cycles, etc. should be added when available. Response: THM_SYS_005d_Instrument Payload Verification Plan and Environmental Test Specification provides the test plan for all instruments. Flow charts for each instrument are contained in the plan. The THEMIS Environmental Test Matrix contains specific test conditions such as vacuum or air, number of cycles, etc. IPDR Peer Review RFA #10
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 2 UCB, April 19, 2004 RFA #10: Instrument Payload I&T Flow FGM Functional (Level 2) SCM Functional (Level 2) SST Functional (Level 2) Harness Bake-out IDPU-Harness Safe-to-Mate Payload Thermal Payload EMI/EMC/MAG ESA Functional (Level 2) Test Review Instrument PER MAG INTEGRATION EFI INTEGRATION ESA/SST INTEGRATION PAYLOAD ENVIRONMENTAL Payload Vibration Payload Acceptance Workmanship (if necessary) Mag Alignment EFI AXB Deploy EFI SPB Deploy Mag Boom Deploy EFI Functional (Level 1) EFI Functional (Level 2) EFI/SCM/FGM Phasing ESA/SST Timing Payload CPT
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 3 UCB, April 19, 2004 RFA #10: FGM I&T Flow FGS Vibration FGS Thermal IDPU Safe-to-Mate IDPU/ESA/ SCM Pre-Amp Vibration FGS Acceptance FGM Functional (Level 2) Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics 2 cycles T-V Bake-out +60C Sensor in TCU FGE Acceptance FGM Functional (Level 0) Without FGS Inspection IDPU Thermal 2 cycles T-V Bake-out +60C FGS Functional (Level 1) FGB Vibration FGB/SCB Thermal 1 cycle T-V Hot/Cold Deploy FGB Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics Backplane Alignment EFI/SCM/FGM Phasing Mag Boom Deploy Payload Safe-to-Mate Harness Payload Thermal Payload EMI/EMC/MAG 6 cycles T-V FGM Functional (Level 1) IDPU Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics Test Review Boom Levels Instrument PER FGM BOOM (FGB) FGM SENSOR (FGS) FGM ELECTRONICS (FGE) FGM / PAYLOAD INTEGRATION PAYLOAD ENVIRONMENTAL Payload Vibration Payload Acceptance Workmanship (if necessary)
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 4 UCB, April 19, 2004 FGM Level 0 – Without Sensor (Aliveness) B-field about zero if FGM in Cal Mode (preferred mode) B-field saturated if feedback is closed Interface full functional Power consumption reduced by about 200mW FGM Level 1 – Sensor in Mu-metal cap (Limited Performance Test) B-field about 10,000nT, Noise about 1nT Full functionality, but B-field not representative FGM Level 2 – Sensor in TCU (Comprehensive Performance Test) B-field < 10nT, Noise <10pT/sqrt (Hz) B-field has to be available in full quality Delta in calibration coefficients known FGM Test Configurations
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 5 UCB, April 19, 2004 RFA #10: SCM I&T Flow SCM Sensor Vibration SCM Sensor Thermal SCM Pre-Amp Bake-out IDPU/ESA/ SCM Pre-Amp Vibration SCM Sensor Bake-out Functional (Level 3) Bake-out +60C 3 cycles (air) SCM Sensor in Mu Metal SCM Pre-Amp Thermal SCM Pre-Amp Acceptance IDPU Thermal 2 cycles T-V Bake-out +60C SCM Functional (Level 1) SCB Vibration 14.1g RMS FGB/SCB Thermal 1 cycle T-V Hot/Cold Deploy SCB Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics Bake-out +60C Alignment EFI/SCM/FGM Phasing Mag Boom Deploy Payload Safe-to-Mate Harness Payload Thermal Payload EMI/EMC/MAG 6 cycles T-V SCM Functional (Level 2) IDPU Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics Test Review Boom Levels Instrument PER SCM BOOM (SCB) SCM SENSOR (SCM) SCM PRE-AMP SCM / PAYLOAD INTEGRATION PAYLOAD ENVIRONMENTAL Payload Vibration Payload Acceptance Workmanship (if necessary) SCM Sensor Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics 3 cycles (air) Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 6 UCB, April 19, 2004 SCM Test Configurations SCM Safety – Feedback Plug Required when SCM Pre-Amp is powered and sensor is not connected SCM Level 0 – With SCM EGSE I/F Box (Aliveness) Same Power, Command, Analog output interfaces Power and Cal Mode identification by LED Cal Signal re-injected to the input Signal generator connected to input Validation by analysis of data SCM Level 1, 2 – Sensor in Mu Metal Box (Comprehensive Performance Test) Sensor kept in mu metal box during integration Axis identification Re-verification of end-to-end calibration Phase relation Check of conducted noise SCM/EField timing reference
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 7 UCB, April 19, 2004 RFA #10: ESA I&T Flow ESA Functional (Level 2) Instrument Functional Cover Simulator Test ESA Thermal ESA Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics ESA/SST Timing Payload Safe-to-Mate Harness Payload Thermal Payload EMI/EMC/MAG 6 cycles T-V ESA Functional (Level 1) Test Review Instrument PER ESA SENSOR ESA ELECTRONICS (ETC) ESA / PAYLOAD INTEGRATION PAYLOAD ENVIRONMENTAL Payload Vibration Payload Acceptance Workmanship (if necessary) 2 cycles T-V Bake-out +60C IDPU Safe-to-Mate IDPU/ESA/ SCM Pre-Amp Vibration ESA Functional (Level 0) IDPU Thermal 2 cycles T-V Bake-out +60C Backplane IDPU Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics ETC Acceptance Inspection
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 8 UCB, April 19, 2004 RFA #10: SST I&T Flow SST Functional (Level 2) SST w/ Radiation Source Attenuator Test SST Vibration SST Thermal SST Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics ESA/SST Timing Payload Safe-to-Mate Harness Payload Thermal Payload EMI/EMC/MAG 6 cycles T-V SST Functional (Level 1) Test Review Instrument PER SST SENSOR SST ELECTRONICS (DAP and ETC) SST / PAYLOAD INTEGRATION PAYLOAD ENVIRONMENTAL Payload Vibration Payload Acceptance Workmanship (if necessary) 2 cycles T-V Bake-out +60C IDPU Safe-to-Mate IDPU/ESA/ SCM Pre-Amp Vibration DAP Acceptance SST Functional (Level 0) Without SST Inspection IDPU Thermal 2 cycles T-V Bake-out +60C Backplane IDPU Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics ETC Acceptance Inspection
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 9 UCB, April 19, 2004 RFA #10: EFI I&T Flow EFI Pre-Amp Bake-out EFI AXB Deploy Sensor in Mu Metal EFI Pre-Amp Thermal EFI Pre-Amp Acceptance AXB Vibration AXB Thermal 1 cycle T-V Hot/Cold Deploy AXB Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics Bake-out +60C EFI Functional (Level 2) EFI/SCM/FGM Phasing EFI SPB Deploy Payload Safe-to-Mate Harness Payload Thermal Payload EMI/EMC/MAG 6 cycles T-V EFI Functional (Level 1) Test Review Instrument PER EFI AXIAL BOOM (AXB) EFI RADIAL BOOM (SPB) EFI PRE-AMP EFI / PAYLOAD INTEGRATION PAYLOAD ENVIRONMENTAL Payload Vibration Payload Acceptance Workmanship (if necessary) 3 cycles (air) Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics EFI ELECTRONICS (BEB and DFB) SPB Vibration SPB Thermal 1 cycle T-V Hot/Cold Deploy SPB Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics EFI Pre-Amp Vibration IDPU Safe-to-Mate IDPU/ESA/ SCM Pre-Amp Vibration BEB Acceptance EFI Functional (Level 0) Without sensors Inspection IDPU Thermal 2 cycles T-V Bake-out +60C Backplane IDPU Acceptance Inspection Mass Properties DC Magnetics DFB Acceptance Inspection
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 10 UCB, April 19, 2004 RFA #10: Environmental Test Matrix
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 11 UCB, April 19, 2004 RFA #10: Environmental Test Matrix
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 12 UCB, April 19, 2004 RFA #10: Environmental Test Matrix
THEMIS INSTRUMENT CDR Peer ReviewSYSTEM- 13 UCB, April 19, 2004 RFA #10: Environmental Test Matrix