SeaDataNet Harmonizing and optimizing the metadatabases and controlled vocabularies, incl maintenance & retrieval systems
Present metadatabases Meta- directory Content EDMEDDiscovery inventory for data sets CSRInventory of Cruise Summary Reports EDMERPInventory of Institute Research Projects EC ProjectsInventory of EC funded Research Projects EDIOSInventory of Observing stations and associated observing programmes CDIInventory of individual data sets, managed by Data Centres EDMOInventory of data centres, research institutes and data collectors
EDMEDEDMERPCSREDIOSORGCDI BODCMARISBSHBODCMARIS Research Institutes, Data Holding Centres, Monitoring agencies,.. All over EUROPE National collation by NODCs XML Access AsciiOnline Ascii Master CMS Web Map Print Data online Print Data online Cross matrix ICES Java Tools Ascii Present set-up
SeaDataNet objectives Up to date maintenance of each Directory More cohesion between Directories and Vocabularies Provide users with cross searching functionality Discard redundancy to avoid asking for the same info Thereby: Safeguarding backward compatibility to legacy metadata (where required!) Establishing governance arrangements Ensuring continuity while developing
Considerations for maintenance The system must engage all NODCs and for CDI all partners The volume of entries and frequency of updating of each of the directories differs considerably between each directory and per NODC The maintenance of each directory is performed by different classes of staff from institutes The directories make more or less use of vocabularies, which differ for comparable topics For each directory a central coordinator is required to safeguard momentum and quality
Conclusions for maintenance the maintenance system must support a number of modalities to cope with all NODCs AND the different metadirectories in practice one integrated data model is not feasable in practice, but better cohesion between the different formats and schemas (with ISO19115 as basis) each format has to be reconsidered for optimization, better use of controlled and common vocabularies and EDMO for organisations for each metadirectory a central master database must be continued under governance of the object manager (next to and linked to local databases, if available)
Proposed Set-up for maintenance derive a range of controlled vocabularies with technical and content governance updating and maintenance of the metadirectories by: online maintenance by NODCs via CMS (incl master editing options) XML export from local system in a semi-automatic way, with exchange initiated by NODCs at regular intervals XML export from local system in automatic and continuous proces (harvesting system) Note: per metadatabase NODCs can have a different choice!
Actions maintenance system optimize and document each format (tune to use of common controlled vocabularies, ISO19115 schema and GML) define controlled vocabularies and organize technical and content governance (BODC with committee of BODC, IFREMER, BSH, RIKZ,..) each directory coordinator (BODC, BSH, MARIS) modifies its central metadatabase configuration (entry, import and management) to the modified formats, use of controlled vocabularies and support of 3 maintenance modalities. NODCs choose their preferred modality per metadatabase and adapt to the new configuration
Actions maintenance system continue the updating of metadatabases with the present set-up develop the new set-up in parallel, including conversion routine at coordinators (BODC, BSH, MARIS) for conversion from old to new format switch systems as soon as also the new front-end is ready
Considerations for retrieval & presentation Each metadatabase coordinator continues to provide an end user interface and develops in parallel an upgraded version for the new format (thereby considering more geographical functionalities (OGC)) NODCs must have access to the central metadatabases and controlled vocabularies to enable them to develop their own end-user interfaces at local, national, regional and thematic levels Next to the individual SeaDataNet metadatabase end- user interfaces the SeaDataNet portal must provide a cross searching end-user interface over all metadatabases
Proposed use of Web Services Install Web Services for the controlled vocabularies (BODC is volunteering) Install a Web Service for each Directory by BODC, BSH and MARIS to support intermediate users NODCs use these intermediate Web Services to develop their own local, regional, thematic end user interfaces SeaDataNet uses these intermediate Web Services to develop its cross searching end user interface at the SeaDataNet portal
NODCs and institutes CSR EDMO EDMED EDMERP CDI EDIOS Vocab Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service Web Service End-User Interface End-User Interface End-User Interface End-User Interface End-User Interface End-User Interface SeaDataNet Cross search End user interface Local/ National/ Regional End user interfaces Local/ National/ Regional End user interfaces Local/ National/ Regional End user interfaces Local/ National/ Regional End user interfaces Local/ National/ Regional End user interfaces NODCs SeaDataNet End-users
Actions for retrieval and presentation Formulate specifications for the required functionality of the intermediate Web Services Develop Web Services for Controlled Vocabularies (BODC) Develop Web Services for each Directory (BODC, BSH, MARIS) in mutual coordination Formulate specifications for the cross searching SeaDataNet end user interface Upgrade existing end user interfaces for each directory (BODC, BSH, MARIS) ….