RTF Management Updates Jennifer Anziano Regional Technical Forum November 10, 2015
Topics for Today Short Duct Run Minisplit Measure Proposal RTF Member Slate Upcoming Topics 2
New Measure Proposal Measure Name: Short Duct Run Minisplit Likely Measure Type:UES Likely Category:Planning Measure Sector:Residential End-Use:Heating/Cooling Proposing Party: NEEA Interested Party: NEEA Regional Potential:Low/Medium (~10s aMW ) 3 – New Measure Proposal
Potential Resource Lift Anticipated timeline: January or February – NEEA will be able to support initial analysis this year (and maybe into next) – Only seeking a Planning Not as big of a lift to develop the savings estimates Will require R&E Subcommittee review of Research Strategy Will require thinking through the baseline (may need a technical subcommittee for this piece) 4 – New Measure Proposal
Proposed Decision “I ______ move that the RTF allocate staff resource towards supporting development of a Residential Short Duct Run Minisplit UES measure.” 5 – New Measure Proposal
RTF Voting Members Rebecca Blanton, PSE (new) David Bopp, Flathead Electric Sarah Castor, ETO (new) Carrie Cobb, Bonneville (new) Bob Davis, Ecotope Jennifer Finnegan, Snohomish PUD (new) Michele Friedrich, SMUD Lauren Gage, Bonneville Kevin Geraghty, Independent (new) Charlie Grist, NWPCC, Vice Chair Jeff Harris, NEEA Jennifer Huckett, Cadmus (new) Mark Jerome, CLEAResult Don Jones Jr., PacifiCorp Josh Keeling, PGE (new) Greg Kelleher, EWEB Rick Knori, Lower Valley Electric Bill Koran, SBW Consulting Tom Lienhard, Avista Jennifer Light, NWPCC, Chair (new) Cheryn Metzger, PNNL (new) Eric Miller, Benton REA (new) Peter Miller, NRDC Brendan O’Donnell, SCL (new) Graham Parker, PNNL Janice Peterson, Bonneville (new) Cory Read, Idaho Power (new) Jes Rivas, Navigant (new) Robert Weber, Bonneville (new) Bill Welch, Independent 6 – Member Slate David Nightingale, WA UTC (ex-officio)
RTF Corresponding Members Brad Acker, University of Idaho, IDL Thomas Anreise, CLEAResult Rich Arneson, Tacoma Power David Baylon, Ecotope Patrick Burns, Nexant David Clement, NEEA Warren Cook, ODOE Michael Daukoru, Applied Energy Group Mike Dillon, Avista Utilities Tom Eckhart, UCONS Amy Heidner, The Rextor Group Erin Hope, Bonneville Mattias Jarvegren, PUD No.1 of Clallam County Roger Kainu, ODOE Kurtis Kolnowski, Applied Energy Group Jim Lutz, Independent Jim Maunder, Ravalli Ian Metzger, Lockheed Martin Dale Northcutt, University of Oregon Brian Owens, CLEAResult Jim Perich-Anderson, Puget Sound Energy Elaine Prause, OR PUC Joe Prijyanonda, Applied Energy Group Travis Reeder, EWEB Eugene Rosolie, NEEA Adam Selvin, Pacific Gas and Electric Blake Shelide, Oregon Department of Energy Kevin Smit, NWPCC Jason Stenson, University of Oregon Joel Swisher, Western Washington University Mira Vowels, Bonneville Jim Williams, Independent Aaron Winer, CLEAResult 7 – Member Slate
Upcoming Meeting Topics Anticipated in December and early 2016 Non-Residential Lighting Retrofits Protocol (anticipated action on protocol) Residential LED Fixtures DHP for New Construction Results of the Enhanced Regional Conservation Progress Survey Guidelines Updates Scientific Irrigation Scheduling – Update and sunset date extension Commercial Freezers and Refrigerators Commercial Non-Residential Network Computer Power Management Agricultural Lighting – Area Lights Multifamily Calibration, Weatherization, and New Construction New Homes Standard Protocol 8 – Upcoming Meeting Topics