Honoring the Vaughan Brothers Kiest Park Public Art Project Community Meeting October 13, :00pm Hampton Illinois Library
City of Dallas Public Art Public Art Commissions for site-specific permanent artwork completed Commissions 33 Donations Public Artworks donated to the City of Dallas prior to 1988 (Heritage works) 121 projects Total Collection has over 500 objects
Public Art in Council District 4
Fire Fighting Science, 2009 Artist: Art Garcia Fire Station No. 33 COMMISSION VALUE: $38,488
Fulfilling a Dream…Along District Lines, 2006 Artist: Earline Green Paul Laurence Dunbar/Lancaster Kiest Library COMMISSION VALUE: $70,000
COMING IN 2016 Artist: Peter Busby Dallas Zoo entrance COMMISSION VALUE: $262,000
Kiest Park Public Art Project The project will honor the Vaughan Brothers’ important contributions to the history and culture of Dallas. The sibling blues guitarists Jimmie Vaughan (born in 1951) and Stevie Ray Vaughan ( ) were born and raised in the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas.Jimmie VaughanStevie Ray Vaughan
Scope of project development COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION We invite you to share information about the impact of Jimmie and Stevie Ray Vaughan’s music had on you. Input from community members will be provided to artists selected to compete for the commission.
COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION Kirby Warnock will be one of the Oak Cliff Community members who will serve on the panel to select an artists. An additional community member will be selected by the Park Department to participate on the panel. If you would like to be considered for participation on the panel please indicate your interest on the comment form or contact: Drema Chavez at the Office of Cultural Affairs.
COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION Artists’ review panels are open to the public and anyone can attend and provide feedback to the Selection Panel members. Meetings will be posted on the City Secretary’s website 72 hours prior to the meeting and on the website.
Purpose of this community meeting The intent of this meeting is to help develop the final scope of the project. TELL US: Describe contributions by the Vaughan Brothers and their music you feel are important to recognize. Describe the personal impact the Vaughan Brothers’ music has had on you or a personal memory you’d like to share.
Artist Selection Process A call for artists will be issued in late October 2015 for artists to submit their qualifications for the project. A Selection Panel will be assembled to review artists’ qualifications in December The Selection Panel will recommend 2-5 candidates to be commissioned for a design contract. The panel is comprised of representatives from the neighborhood in which the artwork will be located, artists or design professionals, the project architect or engineer, the City of Dallas project manager and Public Art department staff. The selection panel recommends final candidate to the Public Art Committee ◦Public Art Committee is a recommending body made up of arts professionals, artists, architects or engineers. The Cultural Affairs Commission reviews and approves the Public Art Committee‘s recommendation.
Public Art Process After Selection of Artist Upon approval, Public Art staff commissions the artist to do a site-specific concept design to present to the Public Art Committee for review. Community members will be invited to attend the Public Art Committee Meetings and provide their input to the Public Art Committee members. Upon approval by the PAC and CAC, Public Art Staff issue a fabrication/installation contract and work with the artist, project manager on site, funding department, Risk Management and other municipal department from contract initiation through installation and dedication of the new work of public art.
Fabrication/installation When an artist has been selected and the contract has been approved the fabrication/installation period typically takes months depending on the materials and the complexity of the project
LOCATION IN KIEST PART Public Art Staff and Oak Cliff Foundation members are working with the Park and Recreation Department to identify high profile, easily accessible locations for the final project. The Park and Recreation Board must approve the location of the proposed artwork prior to issuing a fabrication/installation contract.
FUNDING THE PROJECT Project Total Amount: $87,200 Park and Recreation Bond Year: 2006 Oak Cliff Foundation Contribution Design Phase (3-4 short-listed artists) $9000-$12,000 Fabrication/Installation-$75,200
About the project Preliminary Scope of Project ◦The site for this project will be in Kiest Park ◦ Artwork MUST be highly visible in the landscape, ◦ Artwork should welcome visitors, ◦ Artwork must require little or no maintenance, ◦ Be free of safety hazards
Thank you for attending! QUESTIONS? Please complete the feedback form and give it to a Public Art Committee Staff Member