The greatest class you'll ever take! Mr. White’s English 11 What does it mean to live an authentic life? (Are you?) What does it mean to be an American?
The greatest class you'll ever take! Themes Novels: “The Crucible,” Huckleberry Finn, Into the Wild, Their Eyes Were Watching God, A Lesson Before Dying and MORE!!! SAT Prep! SSR!! (Independent reading counts for 20% of your grade!) Routines! (Grammar, vocab, and MORE!)
The greatest class you'll ever take! Student Requirements You will be a dynamic, successful, NEW PERSON! You will KILL the SAT! Your world will expand! You’ll have a GREAT time! Student Satisfaction Quality Value Service
The greatest class you'll ever take! Meeting Your Needs SAT American Literature Writing Understanding your world Individual Projects And More! The World We Live In Literature Perceptons Fears 9/11 Practice!! Reading/Writing Analysis of SAT SAT Into the Wild Huckleberry Finn “The Crucible” American Literature
The greatest class you'll ever take! Cost Analysis Do your best! Homework In-class work Research Presentations Succeed!!!
The greatest class you'll ever take! Our Strengths Books The Crucible Into The Wild Huckleberry Finn Snow Falling Movies, etc. Grizzly Man 9/11 Video SUCCESS! Your Movies The Crucible CommunitySelfOthers Cooperation
The greatest class you'll ever take! The Benefits Success in all areas: Your life SAT English 11 High School The Universe and more!
The greatest class you'll ever take! First Steps Today’s homework Establish a regular pattern of study Become a member of our Community of Learners Reach for your dreams!!!