The Adventures of Tom Sawyer By: Jake Baloun and Leah Lunstrum The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Characters
Main character A trouble maker Good kid at heart Clever at trickery Not very school smart Superstitious In love with Becky Thatcher Tom Sawyer
Becky Thatcher In love with Tom Judge Thatcher’s daughter Kind of gullible (Tom convinced her to kiss him!) Moody Young and Innocent
Aunt Polly Tom’s Aunt Cares about Tom Sometimes harsh but for a good cause Good person Kind of old Aunt Polly
Huckleberry Finn Not educated Family doesn’t care about him Almost more mischievous than Tom Town rascal All he wanted was love, and is a good kid Huckleberry Finn
Sid Tom’s cousin Stuck up Mean to Tom Smart-aleck
Injun Joe Villain Mean Killed Doc Robinson Rough and tough Dangerous
Muff Potter Framed for killing Doc Robinson Alcoholic Not very smart Good guy deep down Unsophisticated Dirty Muff Potter
Mary Tom’s cousin Really nice Feels sorry for Tom
Doc Robinson Got killed by Injun Joe Tried to turn in Injun Joe Grave robber
Judge Thatcher Becky’s father Town judge Decided Injun Joe’s sentence
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