What is HCI??? HCI is the study of interaction between people (users) and computers. It is often regarded as the intersection of computer science, behavioral sciences, design and several other fields of study. Interaction between users and computers occurs at the user interface (or simply interface), which includes both software and hardware.
Difference between HCI and UI HCI analysis of the ease of use of the user interface. e.g: how long does it take for the user to perform this task, how many errors did the user make in performing this task, how long did it take the user to reach that element, how long did the user take to make a decision. Within the HCI community, a “User Interface Designer” was the practitioner who designed the interface rather than studied the behaviour. Studies the ways in which humans make, or make not, use of computational artifacts, systems and infrastructures.
UI everything designed into an information device with which a human being may interact e.g: display screen, keyboard, mouse, light pen, the appearance of a desktop and how an application program or a Web site invites interaction and responds to it. “User Interface” became more graphical, some UI designers were better at the graphicdesign and some better at just the interactions. The user interface is one of the most important parts of any program because it determines how easily you can make the program do what you want.
To develop or improve the : - safety (design of safety-critical system), - utility (functionality of a system), - effectiveness - usabilty (systems that easy to learn and use)
Quality of life - easy to use by any user. - also can assist the disable user to use the technology. Decrease cost - saving the cost due to the use of usability engineering in a small application. Incease the productivity - help the user to increase the productivity and quality of the work eventhough the user are not expert using the tehnology.
Easy to learn - allow users to build their knowledge without deliberate effort Effective - help the user to complete and have the accuracy with which user want achieve the specific goals. Engaging - make the user fell pleasent and satisfying to use.
Started around year 1400, the Europeans followed a method to print informations that they carved onto a block of wood. This method was originated from the east and spreaded by travelers and sailors to the Europe.
After a couple of decades, from 1439 until 1457, the story of Gutenberg & Fust appeared. Gutenberg’s great achievement in the story of printing has several components. One is his development of the press printing. Gutenberg’s skills with metal. These enable him to master the complex stages in the manufacture of individual pieces of type, which involve creating a master copy of each letter or paper. His creation brought in the first publication of a full-length Bible in Latin.
Decade after decades, the printing techology started to rise and society started to realize the importance of this technlogy and the effect it could bring to the world civilization. From 1457 to the 16th century, various styles of printings and modified printing machines based on the press printing had been created. At the same period genuine illustrated books, with conventionally printed text, are also beginning to be published. Printing technology were more and more evolve each year until th 17th century. Where the first ever oil tinted printing was born. Called mezzotint meaning “half tinted” from italy. This style of printing is similar to today black and white photograph.
After a century around the 18th century, the Japanese try to pick up the pace with the technology and invent the amazing colour prints called the ukiyo-e. With this development, Japan becomes the first region of the world to provide colour prints of a high quality at a popular price.
Lithography, created in 1798 until the 19th century in the europe, lithography marks are made on a stone surface in greasy crayon or ink. The stone is then wetted. Newly applied ink will stick only to the greasy marks. Paper pressed against the stone will pick up those marks and nothing else.
And nearing the modern and digital age in 1970`s. Phototypesetting is created. A method of setting type, rendered obsolete with the popularity of the personal computer and desktop publishing software, that used a photographic process to generate columns of type on a scroll of photographic paper. Until now, the printing technology still expands endlessly with its inkjets, laserjets, carbonjets and maybe one day the society will need the holographical technology that potentially can replace the printing in this current civilization. RDDLctAw4JZXE