Uniform Everyone dresses everyday- NO excuses! You can only wear a Stephen M. White P.E. shirt and shorts to class Make sure to write your first and last name on your P.E. clothes with a permanent black marker right after you buy them and you know they fit you Tennis shoes and sweat socks Sweatshirts and sweatpants are o.k.- must be worn over P.E clothes NO extra shorts or shirts can be worn underneath NO sagging shorts Take your clothes home to wash every Friday and bring them back on Monday’s If you are having trouble coming up with the money for new clothes, ask you teacher about buying previously owned shirts for 3.00 and shorts for 5.00
Loan Clothes If you don’t have your own P.E. clothes you must borrow LOAN CLOTHES Turn in a backpack-receive the loan clothes- return loan clothes to get your backpack back Loan Clothes are.50 cents each day If you don’t have.50 cents you can do an IOU and pay the next day Borrow 3 times in 5 week grading period you will receive a ‘U’ in work habits Don’t share your P.E. clothes with anyone
Participation You are expected and required to try your best everyday A note from a parents will excuse you from activity for 1 day, but you will still have to dress Students must have a Doctor’s note for extended excused time Injured students with a doctors’ note may still be required to dress Students may be sent to the library with a written assignment
Lockers Do not share your locker or your locker combination with ANYONE! Memorize your combination All of your valuables go inside your locker Do not leave anything outside your locker Put all cells phones, I Pods, MP3 players, PSP’s and money inside your locker Report any locker problems to a teacher. Do not ask a student for help
Showers Showers are optional and are open to anyone who would like to use them Towels are available upon request If you turn on the water, make sure you also turn the water off.
Tardy Policy 3 tardies in one grading period= a ‘U’ in work habits 6 tardies in one grading period= a ‘U’ in work habits and a ‘U’ in cooperation To be considered “on time”, you must be seated outside on your dot by the time the tardy bell rings If we are meeting in the gym, you must be seated on the floor in roll call order as soon as you enter the gym
Student of the Month Every month each teacher will select 1 boy and 1 girl as the student of the month. SOTM must be a great role model for all PE students. SOTM will receive a certificate and prize, as well as have their picture in the display case for the entire month. All recipients will be invited to an end of the year pizza party!
Lunch Time Sports Make sure to sign up for the lunch time sports program. FootballBasketballVolleyballDouble-Dutch Listen to the HR announcements for more details. Winners have their pictures displayed and are also invited to the end of the year pizza party!
Run-4-Fun After school club for students who love to run. Mondays and Wednesdays after school. Travel to the big race against other schools at Griffith Park.
Halloween Fun Run Participate in the annual Halloween Fun Run. Win prizes for top 5. Get extra credit points just for finishing.
Lost and Found If you lose something in the locker room…check with a teacher in the P.E. office If you lose something outside the locker room…you check in the P.E. office or you can also check in the student store If you lose your P.E. clothes and they are not found, you can buy previously owned shirts for 3.00 and shorts for 5.00-it is cheaper than borrowing over and over
Jewelry Do not wear hoop earrings to class Do not wear necklaces or chains to class Do not wear metal watches or anything on your body that may get damaged or cause injury yourself or another student.
Food in the P.E. Area No food is allowed in the locker room No food or drink are allowed outside or in the gym during class time No gum in class or in the locker room No glass bottles in the locker room
Running the Lap You must run behind all the backstops Do not walk behind the backstops Always run clockwise unless your teacher tells you not to Do not run through another classes area Do not run under volleyball nets Always try your best to run the entire lap
Bathrooms The locker room bathroom will remain open as long as you keep it clean Trash goes into the trash can Flush the toilet All pee and poop goes inside the toilet Only use 1-2 paper towels when drying hands If the locker room is not kept clean, it will be locked for 1-5 days depending on the damage
Injury If you are injured, report your injury to your teacher right away It is better to be safe than sorry
End of the Period The 10 minute bell does not dismiss you…your teacher does All classes will line back up at the end of the period Re-enter the locker room through the front door only Do not try to go through to hallway exit Quickly get dressed and go outside Wait BEHIND the red line outside until the passing bell rings
Traffic Pattern in and out of the Locker Room Always enter the locker room through the doors near the climbing poles Do not close the doors after you go inside Do not cut through the office to enter or exit the locker room Always exit the locker room through the hallway doors that lead to the basketball courts At no time should you enter or re-enter through the hallway doors When leaving the gym, never cut through the hallway to go into the locker room…always go around the gym and through the front doors
Gym Procedures Sometimes we will meet inside the gym Your class will always meet in the same area in roll call order When you enter the gym, go to your spot and sit down Do not run around the gym or go into another classes area At the end of the period in the gym, 3 whistles will be blown. Stop what you are doing and sit down on the floor You will be given instructions on how to line back up Remember, the bell does not dismiss you…the teacher does
Office Workers Respect all office workers Follow their directions when borrowing clothes or when you are in the locker room Never go behind the counter. Wait for the T.A. or a teacher.
Cologne Bottles, Hair Spray and Aerosol Cans Spray cans and glass bottles are not allowed on campus and will be taken away from you If you decide to break the rules and bring one into the locker room and it breaks, notify the P.E. office right away so it can be cleaned up
Earthquake Preparedness In case of emergency, follow the directions of all teachers Each class has a designated place to line up Some drills can last a long time, so please be patient and quiet so everyone can hear any instructions that need to be given out
Stephen M. White Knight’s Honor Code I will respect all adults and students I will be prepared and bring all materials to class I will keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself I will be in my seat before the tardy bell rings I will keep food and drink outside the classroom (and locker room) I will give my best effort Good luck and have a great year!