Welcome to our Final Seminar! Agenda : Class Announcements Unit 9 Assignments Final Project Overview Class Discussion
Announcements! If you have questions or concerns about your grade, please let me know. I do make mistakes when working late at night with numbers. All late or missing work should be turned in, go back and check your grades to make sure I have graded all work for you. me if I have not!
Unit 9 Assignments Readings and web research Discussion board (there are 2) Seminar (last one ) Final Project (take a deep breath, I know you can do it.)
Final Project –Due Tomorrow !!!! Print out a copy of the grading rubric and mark things off when you have included them in your paper. This will ensure that you have covered all that you need to include in the project.
Final Project –” Action Plan” This is similar to an IEP Read “Kelly’s Action Plan” before beginning your project Kelly’s story will give you an idea about Kelly and where she is functioning in school right now. Your job is to come up with ideas and strategies that you have learned from this class that will help Kelly succeed.
Final Project – “Action Plan” Things to include in Kelly’s Action Plan: 1.Her weaknesses and strengths 2.Modifications and/or accommodations to make in the classroom 3.Behavioral strategies 4.Technology strategies 5.Lots more (please read the grading rubric!)
Final Project – “Action Plan” I want you all to get an “A” on the project so please : 1.Research and don’t forget to use citations and references! 2.Go through the grading rubric to make sure you included all the information. 3.Read your project over for spelling and grammar errors before turning it in.
Final Project - “Action Plan” How to structure your paper: Section the project into sections just like the rubric : i.e. Academics …….. Communication ………..
Let’s try an example ….. Communication. Kelly is labeled with a developmental receptive/expressive language disorder. She has difficulty communicating with others and often makes grammatical mistakes in her speech during conversation. This common occurrence leads to self-esteem issues in the school setting. In order to address Kelly’s speech and language needs we would……..
Home Page for EP 230 Look at announcements Find announcement titled “Sample IEP for unit 9 seminar option 2” Open the blue link “Sample IEP” Read along with me or print a copy out for your use.
Class Discussion : IEP (let’s take a look sample) What is an IEP? 1.An Individualized Education Plan is written for each child that qualifies for special education services. 2.Depending on the needs of a student, an IEP is written to include all services, goals, and strategies to help meet the needs of a student.
Who writes the IEP? Anyone who is involved in the child’s education (including parents) have a right to be included in the writing of an IEP. Each year, a student is assessed before an IEP is written to determine what goals, services, and placement options will be provided.
What is written in an IEP? Background Information Academic, Social, and Physical Development Goals (long and short-term) Special Education Services (speech therapy, etc) Accommodations (longer test times) Assessments (what assessments were used) Reporting (written reports from the team) Placement Decision (general or special ed.) Participants (who was involved in the meeting)
Example of a goal :If an IEP meeting were to be held today, this would be one of many goals. Goal :By October, 2011 John will name 10 colors (red, blue, yellow, green, orange, black, white, brown, pink, and purple) with 80% accuracy during a two week trial period as measured by teacher records. Objective (short term goal) : By January, 2011 John will name 4 colors (red, blue, yellow, and green) with 80% accuracy during a two week trial period as measured by teacher records.
Thank You!!! Tonight will be our last seminar, look for my unit 10 announcement in class! There will be discussion questions and feedback that I need from you in unit 10. Our class officially ends on Tuesday, June 28th. You are a wonderful class, I have enjoyed this course so much!
Two DB questions regarding your research and readings on IEP’s. Final Project Don’t Forget :