What’s the big deal? Ubiquity Familiarity Meeting people where they are
2011 Stats
Discussion Should we be using Facebook for education? Yes: go to the right side of the room No: go to the left side of the room Don’t know: go out in the hall (seriously, but you’re not in trouble)
What are people saying? Facebook should have a program where its like Facebook, but for schools and stuff, like being able to chat from class to class, it being monitored obviously, but it would be faster than and you could put like questions on it and polls and it would take a bunch of different components but I feel like students and teachers would really get into it. - college student
And more… Mine has been very useful so far. – teacher other than facilitating communication I can't think of any positives. i'm interested in what I might be overlooking though and I certainly don't use all of the FB features. i'm never on chat, only a part of three groups, and rarely use the calendar. – University network programmer and adjunct faculty
And more… If I were in high school, I'm not sure I would want my school time linked to my social networking time. I wouldn't want school group stuff popping up on my wall. – Former teacher, currently a speech therapist
And more… There are tons of other "education first" networks out there (ning is one example) that have primarily the same functionality as FB but without the distractions. However, it the platform already exists and is integrated into peoples' lives, why not use it for good? All that being said, full disclosure, I do not friend students on FB until they graduate. It's a policy that has served me well. – teacher
And more… It's a tool of the devil, I tells ya! – Used book store manager Oooh, I need you to do that for me! Pretty Please!!!! – pre-service teacher and college student support services liaison.
So what? I posted that question this morning (I added this slide at 10:30 this morning)…
Let’s go look at Facebook and some ideas
Resources achers-Blog/Facebook-and-Twitter-101-for- Educators/ba-p/7013 Google It!kforeducators.org/kforeducators.org/