1 Iain Ramsay Curriculum for Excellence Health and Wellbeing Team Leader Learning and Teaching Scotland
2 Direction of travel From health promoting schools, Being Well Doing Well, the Health Education curriculum, PSD guidance To embedding health and wellbeing in Curriculum for Excellence
3 HWB Team in LTS supports Guidance for HPN Scotland Act CfE HWB implementation Online services and use of Glow Resource development CPD Find and CPD Reflect Network development and partnerships
4 HWB Team liaises with curricular areas Languages Mathematics Health and wellbeing Science Social studies Expressive arts Technologies Religious and moral education
5 HWB Team contributes to other work streams Early years Inclusion and equality Literacy, numeracy Parental involvement Personal Support More choices more chances Outdoor learning Enterprise
6 HWB team members have specific areas of focus in relation to mental, emotional, social and physical health planning for choices and changes physical education, physical activity and sport food and health substance misuse relationships, sexual health and parenthood
7 Health and Wellbeing is… A whole school issue Everyone’s responsibility About being well to do well Engagement, achievement, attainment Health enhancing ethos About partnerships and relevance to young people and communities
8 Health and Wellbeing Key Messages Building on past success Identifying areas for future sustainable development with partners within CfE Being clear about context, outcomes, roles
9 Curriculum for Excellence Iain Ramsay