Commitments and Major Issues for LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli on behalf of CO, OP & LSA application providers
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 2 Goal of the presentation Clarify the responsibilities Present the LHC Beam operation software architecture Draw the list of the applications for stage I & II Expose the major issues ? ? 75ns ops 43 bunch operation Beam commissioning Stage I II Beam
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 3 Goal of the presentation Clarify the responsibilities Present the LHC Beam operation software architecture Draw the list of the applications for stage I & II Expose the major issues ? ? 75ns ops 43 bunch operation Beam commissioning Stage I II Beam
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 4 Responsibility Limits - Inside 1/2 The Controls group provides core control functionality & applications (HWC sequencer, equip state, equip monitoring, SDDS,…) in collaboration with AB/OP produces and maintains standard facilities (Logging, FDs, LASER, JAPC, SIS, BIC, OASIS, CCM, …) develops, maintains and supports UNICOS based applications (Cryo, QPS, PIC, WIC,..) for industrial control system provides support for modeling of the Controls database (SPS, HWC, LEIR, LHC) and for the logging and measurement services (Timber, Meter)
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 5 Responsibility Limits - Inside 2/2 AB/CO is also providing development environment, tools and graphical components to be used by application developers, equipment and MD specialists FESA editor Java dataviewer General purpose graphical beans Java GUI frame LabVIEW development environment UNICOS frame Working sets & Knobs Jython Build and release tools Software support to developers µCR
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 6 Responsibility Limits - Outside AB/CO is NOT responsible for equipment expert GUI applications (except QPS, CRYO) MD software GUI applications
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 7 Goal of the presentation Clarify the responsibilities Present the LHC Beam operation software architecture Draw the list of the applications for stage I & II Expose the major issues ? ? 75ns ops 43 bunch operation Beam commissioning Stage I II Beam
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 8 Frameworks for LHC Applications Three approaches in place to build applications Beam based control applications Majority of applications Java infrastructure Industrial control PLC/SCADA based applications UNICOS frame based on PVSS Post Mortem data analysis Based on LabVIEW
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 9 Our Approach to Java Applications Development A considerable amount of applications for stage I & II is requested This will be achieved since we have put in place a common architecture based on a solid core functionality a standard equipment access reusable software components standard facilities upon which the LHC applications are being built This requires high competence in software engineering for core development BUT it pays back Complex self contained applications are replaced by light weight GUI applications which are easier to develop GUI applications based on the core are less error prone
LHC Java Applications and Core LSA Controls System Core FESA Equipments Controls Middleware Monitoring & Concentration LSA Trim Beam Steering Settings Generation BDI Applic Fixed Displays Controls Settings LSA API FESA Equipments FESA Equipments Standard Equipment Access (JAPC) Core applications Equipment and instrumentation applications Standard Equipment Access High-Level Services LSA Core
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 11 LHC Java Applications - Organization The work is done in a close collaboration with the OP group - we work in a team One single project in place (LSA *) providing the common architecture Aim to use for several accelerators TT40, TI8, HWC, LEIR, SPS, sector test and LHC Test using every possible controls or operational milestone and several dry runs * In 2006: 4 CO FTE and ~5 OP FTE
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 12 Goal of the presentation Clarify the responsibilities Present the LHC Beam operation software architecture Draw the list of the applications for stage I & II Expose the major issues ? ? 75ns ops 43 bunch operation Beam commissioning Stage I II Beam
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 13 High Level Requirements - extract from Mike’s talk Core Functionality Equipment Instrumentation Exploitation Standard facilities
High Level Application for Stage 0 PriorityWhenResponsible Vacuum 1Start-up I. Laugier AT/VAC Post Mortem Analysis 1Start-up (QPS, PIC, PC) R. Lauckner/coordination Rijllart/Analysis G. Kruk, N. Trofimov/Core CRYO 1Start-up P. Gayet/Supervision AT/ACR/System QPS 1Start-up H. Milcent/Supervision AT/MEL/System PIC 1Start-up F. Bernard/Supervision M. Zerlauth/System WIC 1Start-up F. Bernard/Supervision P. Dahlen/System Common core functionality Unstaffed activity Temporary or departing staff PM already connected to PC and QPS BIC already tested in TI8 PIC soon to be tested (HWC) All systems will be ready for startup 1 temp staff for the applications of PIC & WIC 1 retiring staff for the coordination of PM project
Core Functionality for Stage I & II FunctionalityPriorityWorkTestResponsible Settings Generation 1< 3monthsLEIR, SPS, sector test L.Normann D.Jacquet M.Lamont Archive/Reload/Rollback/Co py 11 monthLEIR, SPS, sector test L.Mestre/G. Kruk Trim 1Core functionality in place - extensions for autotrim LEIR, SPS, sector test L.Mestre/G. Kruk M.Albert M.Lamont State 1V1 in placeLEIR, SPS, sector test F.Chevrier D.Jacquet Equipment Access 1V1 in placeLEIR, SPS, sector test L.Mestre/ R.Gorbonosov Optics 1V1 in placesector test M.Lamont Mode/Run Configuration 1sector testNN Database Configuration 1V5 in placesector test M.Lamont D.Jacquet Expert Settings 1Under discussion with FESA sector testNN Equipment Monitoring 1V1 in placeSPS, sector test N.Hoibian Common core functionality Unstaffed activity Temporary or departing staff Already in a very advanced stage of development Provides common functionality for high level applications Data model definition completed - same for TLs, SPS, LEIR, LHC Main architect/core developer leaves in May 2 temp staff for core activities
Equipment PriorityWorkWhenResponsible Collimators & Absorbers 12 months/year available effortStart-up S. Redaelli [dev, support] Beam Dump 1Control/State/Settings XPOC Start-up LSA J.Axensalva Power converters 1Core functionality in place for HWC (sequencer) Acquisition: debugging, tracking studies TBD Start-up LSA F.Chevrier D.Jacquet NN Radio Frequency 1Mountain Range Setting Unit Control Start-upNN LSA Longitudinal Feedback 1State/Settings Response - 1 month Start-up LSA NN Transverse Feedback 1State/Settings Response - 1 month XPOC 2 months LSA NN Injection Kickers 1XPOC - prototype for beam dump - 3 months for V1 with basic functionality Q J.Axensalva Magnets 1Implement FiDel Model of decay, Unit control, Settings Input: Bottura, Sammut V1 Q LSA/M.Lamont Common core functionality Unstaffed activity Temporary or departing staff Collimation project already discussed extensively Settings/control/state in place for all equipment applications by LSA core Majority of application are assigned including XPOC A few unmanned activities to be taken up in the course of 2006
Equipment under CO responsibility PriorityWorkWhenResponsible BIC 1Hardware development GUI Application Start-up B.Todd K.Sigerud/ V. Tsaplin SLP Safe LHC Parameters 1212 Hardware/Timing development High Level Application Start-up B.Puccio J.Serrano NN FMCM Fast Magnet Current change Monitor 2Equipment hw development Proto application Stage II M.Zerlauth NN Common core functionality Unstaffed activity Temporary or departing staff Activities OK for stage I BIC with 2 temp staff for hardware and GUI development
Instrumentation - Stage I PriorityWorkWhenResponsible Beam Loss Monitors 1Concentration, publication - 1 month Acquisition, data structs. - 2 months Display extensions - 2 weeks GUI - 1 month Q G.Kruk N.Hoibian BPM: Orbit, trajectory 1Concentration, publication - 1 month Trajectory, Orbit - 1 week Fixed Display - use standard utilities GUI - 1 month Q Q G.Kruk J.Wozniak J.Wenninger Bunch Current Transformers 1Acquisition [DC, bunch/bunch)& Lifetime] Display - 2 weeks Q M.Albert Screens (matching monitors) 1Acquisition - extension of existing Screen control - extension of existing GUI - extension of existing N.Hoibian M.Lamont G.Crockford F.Follin Tune - BBQ 1Acquisition, control, display, analysis, dedicated application - 3 months NN Tune - PLL 1plus Q’, CTA - 3 monthsNN Luminosity Monitors 1NN Common core functionality Unstaffed activity Temporary or departing staff Critical instrument (BLM, BPM, BCT, BTV) applications applications are assigned BLM and BPM concentrators are taken care by LSA core Within the following 3 months the application responsible with the equipment specialists will define the operational APIs of critical instrument and a test plan (when we need what) This should result in simulation equipment servers in place by the eq. specialists Resources for tune and luminosity will be found in the 2nd half of 2006
Instrumentation - Stage II & III PriorityWorkWhenResponsi ble Wall Current Monitors 2NN Wire Scanner BWS 2Interlocks, movement control, acquisition NN BPM: multi-turn analysis 2Application for the SPS (LHC like BPM) will be provided Summer 2006 V. Kain Chromaticity – head-tail 2NN Abort gap monitor 2NN Synchrotron Monitors 2NN Schottky 22 BQS (H & V) per beam in RA47 Not essential for 1st commissioning phase Q S.Gysin FNAL Rest Gas Ionisation Monitor (BIPM) 3B-field control plus compensation interlocks NN Common core functionality Unstaffed activity Temporary or departing staff Most activities for stage II & III remain unmanned - revisited in the course of 2006 Schottky development covered by LARP collaboration
Measure/Adjust PriorityWorkWhen Responsible Orbit 1Ongoing - Good basis in place2006 J.Wenninger LSA Collimation Optimisation 1SPS MD/ Sector test prototype2006 S.Redaelli [dev, support] Luminosity scans – first physics NN Beta-beating 1Big Effort2007 NN Common core functionality Unstaffed activity Temporary or departing staff Orbit in good shape Rest of the work is staged and will be manned in the course of 2006
Exploitation PriorityWorkWhenResponsible Sequencer 1Big effort - 6 months for final version Q2 - Q GH.Hemelsoet J.Axensalva M.Lamont Injection Sequencer 13 months for final version V1 Q2 - Q for commissioning M.Gruwe [dev, support] Magnet Model 1FiDel Implementation Bottura & Sammut M. Lamont On-line Model 2 NN Shot Data Analysis 2Define necessary acquisitions and storage medium FNAL Common core functionality Unstaffed activity Temporary or departing staff Both sequencers are important tools for operation and they are covered in terms of development and support.
Major Standard Facilities Priority WorkWho OASIS 1 Application: main requirements covered. Remote trigger scheme & timing integration not before Oscilloscope: 8 bits, 1 GSa/s supported, GSa/s under dev., Slower models & ADCs not before S.Deghaye SDDS 1 V3 Core and browser: tested TI8/TT40/ SPS, sector tests G.Kruk Software Interlocks System 1 Large system. V1 min functionality Q2 2006: Tested at CNGS startup Tested partially before Beam commissioning Operational version for startup J.Wenninger J.Wozniak V.Baggiolini LASER 1 Minimum functionality operational version available: HWC, LEIR, SPS, sector tests - Core support DB archive and alarm sources Alarm Console OP request: Support 365/24 - Present support coverage: CO experts K.Sigerud N.Stapley M.Misiowiec NN Fixed Displays 1Several fixed displays (~24 configurations) are requested (cf. Mike table) J.Wozniak/core OP configuration CCM 1 Operational version available: Tested HWC, LEIR, SPS, sector tests V.Paris K.Porowski Common core functionality Unstaffed activity Temporary or departing staff SIS system with several complicated client inputs for LHC Requirements documented/published Proof of concept delivered in Jan 2006 Laser min. solution for exercise for SPS & sector tests and improve functionality for startup Support by CO experts - 365/24 not guaranteed 3 temp and 1 departing staff for these facilities
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 23 Goal of the presentation Clarify the responsibilities Present the LHC Beam operation software architecture Draw the list of the applications for stage I & II Expose the major issues ? ? 75ns ops 43 bunch operation Beam commissioning Stage I II Beam
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 24 Issues - Resources The system architect & core developer leaves CERN in May Major core activities are staffed by temp or departing staff The same application developers are working for HWC, LEIR, CNGS, PS and SPS startup and ….. what is left of them … for LHC Beam Operations… LHC applications list not fully staffed clearly showing lack of resources We need experienced Java software developers
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 25 Issues -Time allocated for Testing While TT40/TI8, HWC, LEIR, and SPS ring will be used to test the LSA core and applications extensively, … the tests foreseen in 2006 CNGS TI8/TT40 sector test will be the only validation of the LHC software, so … we need well coordinated dry runs beforehand We request time allocated during LHC commissioning for the final tests of the deployed software
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 26 Issues - Remote Access and Security Experts and piquet require access to LHC controls from outside the CCC Who has the right to modify LHC parameters? Control of certain devices (Schottky) from other institutes is already requested (US-LARP collaboration) We need remote access and role based access policy and manpower to implement it CNIC is not the answer
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 27 Conclusions Solid architecture on which to base the LHC applications exists with main core services and several GUI applications already deployed Tested and validated with TT40/TI8, HWC, LEIR, SPS, CNGS and sector test We have a complete list of the LHC applications/developers but with some holes … There are issues on resources, time for testing, remote access and security We have the right tools for the job and we will be able to do it, provided effort is not diverted into lower priority work
24 Jan 2006 Chamonix XV: Commitments and Major Issues on LHC Applications Eugenia Hatziangeli AB/CO 28 Thank you Acknowledgement for discussions/contributions L. Mestre, G. Kruk, V. Baggiolini, N. Stapley, S. Deghaye, J. Wozniak, M. Albert, M. Lamont, R. Billen, I. Laugier, R. Schmidt, P. Charrue, A. Rijllart, J. Wenninger, B. Frammery, R, Lauckner,