Common U.S. Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources ResourceTypeCommon UseRenewable or nonrenewable CoalnonmetalGeneration of energynonrenewable PetroleumnonmetalProduction of gas, kerosene, plastics, dyes and medicinesnonrenewable Natural gasnonmetalFuel, plastics, fertilizers, dyes, medicinesnonrenewable AirNon mineralRespiration in organisms, generation of energyrenewable Waternon mineralDrinking, crops, generation of electricity, transportrenewable CropsNon mineralFood for humans and livestock, production of fabricsrenewable Sand, gravel, stoneMineral basedConstruction of roads and buildingsnonrenewable SaltmineralProduction of chemicals, clearing road ice, food preservation nonrenewable ForestsNon mineralProduction of paper, building materials, medicinesrenewable SunlightNon mineralGrowth of plants, home heating, generation of energyrenewable SoilMinerals, organic material, water,live organisms Growth of crops, foundation for buildingsrenewable IceNon mineralFood storage, recreation, medicine and industry usesrenewable TalcmineralTalcum powder, filler in paints, rubbernonrenewable GraphitemineralLubricants, pencils, dry cellsnonrenewable SulfurmineralSoil conditioner, fungicides, production of sulfuric acidnonrenewable GypsummineralPlasterboard, drywall, and plasternonrenewable UraniummineralGeneration of electricity, medical, and industrial usesnonrenewable Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6