Washington’s Presidency Setting the precedent
Whiskey Rebellion New government needed money to pay off debts and run the country. Congress passed excise tax (tax on the production or sale of a product) on whiskey. Farmers living west of Appalachians distilled their wheat into whiskey to make it cheaper to ship it to cities on the east coast. They protested that the tax was unfair and refused to pay it, so Congress lowered the tax. Most farmers paid the lower tax, but some still refused. Some even turned to violent protest (tarred and feathered tax collectors). Washington took Alexander Hamilton ’ s advice and sent 13,000 troops to stop the “ Whiskey Rebellion ”. Jefferson thought this use of force was a violation of the farmers ’ liberty. New government needed money to pay off debts and run the country. Congress passed excise tax (tax on the production or sale of a product) on whiskey. Farmers living west of Appalachians distilled their wheat into whiskey to make it cheaper to ship it to cities on the east coast. They protested that the tax was unfair and refused to pay it, so Congress lowered the tax. Most farmers paid the lower tax, but some still refused. Some even turned to violent protest (tarred and feathered tax collectors). Washington took Alexander Hamilton ’ s advice and sent 13,000 troops to stop the “ Whiskey Rebellion ”. Jefferson thought this use of force was a violation of the farmers ’ liberty.
French Revolution The people of France won a revolution that got rid of their king. Jefferson and his followers saw this as a great victory for democracy and began to call themselves the Democratic- Republicans. The new government in France arrested and beheaded many of the wealthy nobles who has power under the King ’ s rule – 20,000 people were killed. Many of Hamilton ’ s followers (Federalists) were wealthy leaders like the one ’ s being executed in France. They worried that mob violence might spread from France to America. The people of France won a revolution that got rid of their king. Jefferson and his followers saw this as a great victory for democracy and began to call themselves the Democratic- Republicans. The new government in France arrested and beheaded many of the wealthy nobles who has power under the King ’ s rule – 20,000 people were killed. Many of Hamilton ’ s followers (Federalists) were wealthy leaders like the one ’ s being executed in France. They worried that mob violence might spread from France to America.
Personal Background Born in West Indies Educated in New York Aide to George Washington during Revolution Served as delegate to Constitutional Convention Hamilton and the Federalist Party View of Human Nature Thought people were basically selfish; only out for themselves
Best Form of Government Country should be ruled by well-educated, wealthy, successful businessmen. “Those who own the country ought to govern it.” Favored a strong national government to keep the states under control. Best Form of Government Country should be ruled by well-educated, wealthy, successful businessmen. “Those who own the country ought to govern it.” Favored a strong national government to keep the states under control. Hamilton and the Federalist Party Ideal Economy Country should become strong through business, manufacturing and trade. Wanted a national bank to collect taxes, print money and make loans. Agreed to move nation’s capital to Washington, D.C. to get support of southern states. Believed in a “loose” interpretation of the Constitution. Ideal Economy Country should become strong through business, manufacturing and trade. Wanted a national bank to collect taxes, print money and make loans. Agreed to move nation’s capital to Washington, D.C. to get support of southern states. Believed in a “loose” interpretation of the Constitution.
Hamilton and the Federalist Party Relations with Britain and France France and England went to war (again) in Hamilton and most Federalists supported the British. England was the main trading partner of the United States. Many Federalist though the French government had spun out of control when it started to execute the King and his supporters. Hamilton wanted America to become as wealthy and powerful as Britain. Relations with Britain and France France and England went to war (again) in Hamilton and most Federalists supported the British. England was the main trading partner of the United States. Many Federalist though the French government had spun out of control when it started to execute the King and his supporters. Hamilton wanted America to become as wealthy and powerful as Britain.
Jefferson and the Republican Party Personal Background Born in Virginia to a wealthy family. Very bright, talented student Was a successful farmer Not a great speaker, but an outstanding writer Personal Background Born in Virginia to a wealthy family. Very bright, talented student Was a successful farmer Not a great speaker, but an outstanding writer View of Human Nature Informed citizens could make good decisions Admired the wisdom and common sense of farmers Trusted people to do the right thing View of Human Nature Informed citizens could make good decisions Admired the wisdom and common sense of farmers Trusted people to do the right thing
Jefferson and the Republican Party Best Form of Government Favored democracy over all other forms of government Thought the Federalist idea of rule by only the wealthy and successful sounded like a monarchy Favored a small government with limited powers so people would be left alone to live their lives Believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. Best Form of Government Favored democracy over all other forms of government Thought the Federalist idea of rule by only the wealthy and successful sounded like a monarchy Favored a small government with limited powers so people would be left alone to live their lives Believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution.
Jefferson and the Republican Party Ideal Economy Favored agriculture and farming over business and industry Opposed the national bank and any actions by the national government that helped businesses Ideal Economy Favored agriculture and farming over business and industry Opposed the national bank and any actions by the national government that helped businesses Relations with Britain and France Republicans favored France Viewed the French Revolution as a victory by the people over the monarchy - a triumph for democracy Relations with Britain and France Republicans favored France Viewed the French Revolution as a victory by the people over the monarchy - a triumph for democracy