Alligatorweed By: Alex Bauman
Control measures
Alligator weed This plant resides in southeastern states. Emersed plant that can be found in a variety of places.
Alligator weed characterisics It is a flowering plant It has small tiny one seeded fruits that have thin walls
Characterisics The leaves can be opposite, narrowly elliptic or spatulate. They have tiny, one seeded fruits
Source of Introduction It was first reported in Alabama in It is thought that they came over on the ballasts of boats.
Control Measurements The alligator flea beetle was the first biological control for aquatic weeds. It was established on the alligator weed in 1965.
Work Cited “Alligator weed”. Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plats. Web. 28 Sept “Alligatorweed”. Invasive Species Info. Web. 2 Oct Cuba, James. “Alligatorweed flea beetle Agasicles hygrophila Selman and Vogt”. ESIS. Web. 29 Sept