A moon is a natural satellite of each planet. The moon only comes out at night and bights up the night sky
How old is the our Moon? Our Moon is 4.5 billion years old. That is old!!! This is our moon.
How many moons are in our solar system? Their are 166 moons in our solar system. →
These are the four main moons around Jupiter. Jupiter actually has 63 moons!
These are the two moons around mars. ↓ ↘ The name of the second moon is called ↑ Phobos. ↑ The first moon is called Deimos.
Oh no mercury doesn't have any moons But here are some interesting facts about mercury. ← this is mercury. Mercury orbits the sun every 88 days
These are the eight main moons around Saturn. → ← This is Saturn. Saturn has actually 60 moons!
their are 13 known moons around Neptune. This is Neptune.
This is Uranus. These are the five know moons around Uranus.
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