Story time
Say what you see Uncle John 叔叔
a doll a balla CD a cara robot
What’s missing?
a doll a ball a CD a car a robot
What’s missing? a doll a ball a CD a car a robot
Happy New Year!
What gifts does Uncle John bring?
Where are the gifts now?
This is for you, Mike. This is for you, Helen. It’s for Tim.
It’s a doll. What’s this?
It’s… What’s this? What’s that? Work in pairs.( 两人一组进行对话, 注意 this 和 that 距离的区别哦)
What, what, what is this? Doll, doll, it’s a doll. What, what, what is that? Ball, ball, it’s a ball. What, what, what is this? Robot, robot, it’s a robot.
以小组为单位,选 择一种喜欢的方式读 一读课文。 Read in roles.( 分 角色读 ) Read after one. ( 跟一个学 生读 ) Read together. ( 齐读 ) …
三人一组,让我们 有感情地表演课文吧!
1.Read the story and recite. 听读并背诵 课文。 2.Prepare some gifts. 准备一些礼物,下 节课带来参与活动。 3.Preview Page52 and 53. 预习 52 和 53 页。