Father Christmas Please note that this is a sample only and is not included in the pack – we didn’t want to spoil anyone’s Christmas! All writing in yellow does not appear in the full version.
Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father who created all the lights in the heavens James 1:17
10 things that you might find in Santa’s sack! Start Click on the numbered squares to make them disappear and reveal part of the picture. When you’re ready, click on the answer box to see if you’re correct
Answer Puzzle next 1
Answer Socks next 2
Answer Toys next 3
Answer Selection Pack next 4
In the full version there are 6 more pictures
Please see video extract on the website
How much of the video can you remember? Start Click on answer to see if you are correct
In which country was Saint Nicholas a 4 th century Bishop? Greece Norway GermanyDenmark Next
There are 5 Quick Quiz questions in the full version
1.What’s the best gift that you’ve ever had at Christmas? 2.What was the worst gift? 3.Why do we give gifts at Christmas? 4.How does it make you feel when you give someone a present they really like? 5.What are some of the gifts that God has given us? How much do we appreciate them or do we take them for granted?
Lord Jesus, Wise men travelled for miles to bring you the first Christmas presents. So may we, too, remember with thankful hearts the love that comes with each present we open. We also thank you for the amazing love you have for each of us, and we thank you for the many gifts that you give us. Amen
When the crackers appear, click on them to reveal the answers
So he can 'ho ho ho'! Why does Santa have three gardens?
Because he had low elf-esteem! Why did Santa’s helper see the doctor?
Horn-aments! What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?