Unit 9. The flower is nice. 这花很漂亮。 The doll is nice. 这娃娃很漂亮。


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 9

The flower is nice. 这花很漂亮。

The doll is nice. 这娃娃很漂亮。

The doll is for you. 这娃娃给你。

The … is for you. … … 给你。 1、1、 2、2、 3、3、 4、4、 5、5、 6、6、

Merry Christmas! 祝你圣诞快乐!

a gift

The gift. The gift is for you.

a sweet

The sweet is for you. 这糖给你。

A: Merry Christmas! B: Merry Christmas! A:The sweet is for you. B:Thank you!

A: Merry Christmas! B: Merry Christmas! A:The doll is for you. B:Thank you!

Merry Christmas! The gift, the gift The gift is for you!

A: Merry Christmas! B: Merry Christmas! A:_______ is for you. B:Thank you!

A: Merry Christmas! B: Merry Christmas! A:_______ is for you. B:Thank you!

A: Merry Christmas! B: Merry Christmas! A:_______ is for you. B:Thank you!

A: Merry Christmas! B: Merry Christmas! A:_______ is for you. B:Thank you!

A: Merry Christmas! B: Merry Christmas! A:_______ is for you. B:Thank you!

A: Merry Christmas! B: Merry Christmas! A:_______ is for you. B:Thank you!

Homework: 1 、 Read Unit9 five times. 2 、和家人说说圣诞节的风俗习惯。