Rezekne, first Comenius meeting, November 17-22
I ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ im. St. Staszica
School in numbers 550 students550 students 43 teachers (15 men)43 teachers (15 men) in th jubileein th jubilee 8 computers classes8 computers classes 3 interactive boards3 interactive boards One loop, two sport halls, sport fields complexOne loop, two sport halls, sport fields complex
Direction of education 1) Vocational high school (4 years) Informatic engineerInformatic engineer Speditor engineerSpeditor engineer Merchant engineerMerchant engineer Economic engineerEconomic engineer Technologist of food engineerTechnologist of food engineer 2) Lyceum (3 years) profile: public security 3) Vocational school (3 years) Car mechanicCar mechanic Sales personSales person HairdresserHairdresser CookerCooker
SPORT HALL SPORT HALL Open Orlik complex in 2009 and part of money we secured from EU
ABOUT OUR STUDENTS Lyceum profile: public security this is education innovation start in 2009
Speditor engineer is a quite new type of school started in 2008
School is not only lessons but also there is a fun and …
Most important events Polish and German exchange with Limburg
Comenius project
Cooperation with EVS volunteer
Others Christmas gifts for families from region Blood donation
We invite you to Poland We invite you to Poland