COOPERATION Cooperation is working with one or more individuals in a kind, supportive, and helpful way. Students will wait patiently for their turn, and will use kind, encouraging, and helpful words. RESPECT Respect is being kind and polite to all people. Students will listen while others speak. They will walk quietly in the hallways and will be polite and use good manners.
RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility is being honest and telling the truth about the choices we make. It is completing assigned tasks and following the expectations of our school, classroom, cafeteria, and recess yard. Students will be honest. They will complete their schoolwork, will work hard as a learner and will follow all directions. Students will accept the consequences they have earned. SPORTSMANSHIP Good sportsmanship is playing a game fairly and being willing to accept winning or losing in a positive way. Students will include others if they are being left out. They will play by the rules and will use kind words during a game.
students earn feathers for demonstrating one of our Four Pillars going the “Extra Mile” (Gainsley/Lawler Language) each grade level has a “Holland Hawk” every Friday one student from every grade level is called down to the office to choose a “prize” all faculty/staff has the ability to give a Feather or a Behavior Notice
Every student is given a verbal warning before any Notices are given Behavior Notice Consequences: First Notice: Notice sent home with student to be signed by parents/guardians Second Notice: Notice sent home with student to be signed by parents/guardians After school detention is assigned Parent phone call home by the office Third Notice: Notice sent home with student to be signed by parents/guardians After school detention is assigned Parent phone call home by the office The student will miss the monthly “Celebration Activity
Fourth Notice: Notice sent home with student to be signed by parents/guardians After school detention is assigned Parent phone call home by the office The student will miss the monthly “Celebration Activity” A conference will be scheduled with the parents, student, teacher, principal, and school staff to discuss the behavior and develop an intervention plan to help make better choices Reminders: Students will be given “a clean slate” every first Monday of the month It is up to the discretion of the staff when to assign behavior notices, please be familiar with the rules and regulations on the Student/ Parent Handbook Any behavior that is “severe” will be referred to the office immediately
celebrates students making good choices Students are encouraged to wear their Holland Elementary t-shirts and/ or blue and white on those days every month we will honor a member of our community who exemplifies the four pillars (Honorary Holland Hawk) Variety of activities: assemblies, faculty/student sporting events, Talent Show, etc.