Gaining experience as an ‘aspiring psychologist’ Cassie Addai 11 th November 2015
Overview 1.How I gained experience during my degree 2.What I’ve been up to since graduating 3.Information about ESPAG (East of Scotland Psychology Assistants Group) 4.Questions
Gaining experience Before my degree Young Leader Girlguiding UK – once a week for 4 years Volunteer in day centre for adults with cerebral palsy - once a week for 2 years
Gaining experience First year Children’s Holiday Venture- once a week Lothian Autistic Society – Easter holidays Toby Henderson Trust- Summer holidays Kickstart Summer School – one week in summer
Gaining experience Second year Kickstart Summer School The Action Group – Easter and summer holidays Third year Kickstart Summer School Voluntary Research Assistant – term time The Action Group – weekends and holidays
Gaining experience Fourth year Voluntary Research Assistant – term time The Action Group – weekends and holidays President of Psychology Society PsychPALS
Tips 1.Do your research 2.Network 3.Reflect on your journey 4.Be patient 5.Practice self-care
Since Graduating Action on Depression - CBT Self Help Volunteer April 2013-March 2014 Guiding adults with mild-moderate depression and anxiety through online computerised CBT and self- help materials Weekly phonecalls to a caseload of six clients Talking them through their materials and any issues Using screening tools PHQ9 and GAD7
Since Graduating Action Group – Sessional Support Worker May 2013-Sept 2013 Working with children and young people with additional needs Offering support with activities and personal care Health in Mind – Sessional Support Worker May 2013-Sept 2013 Practical and emotional support for adults with severe and enduring mental health problems
Since Graduating Health in Mind – Guided Self Help worker Sept 2013-Sept 2014 Delivering low-intensity CBT-based support to adults with mild-moderate depression and anxiety CBT principles Based at local health centres Liaising with GPs and signposting to other agencies Regular individual and peer supervision Outcome measures Related administration
At present… NHS Lothian – Assistant Psychologist October present Co-facilitating pain management groups Individual assessments and progress reviews Mindfulness, relaxation, CBT, ACT, stress management, pacing MDT team working Regular supervision Training Research
ESPAG East of Scotland Psychology Assistants Group Informal group for aspiring psychologists which meets one evening a month at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Morningside. The topic of each meeting varies but there is a usually speaker. This may be someone with a career in Psychology who shares their experiences or offers some helpful suggestions on how to gain more experience.
ESPAG The group is also a great way to meet others with similar interests and goals. Next meeting: Tuesday 17 th November, pm Boardroom in Mackinnon House, Royal Edinburgh Hospital Morningside
Helpful resources Careers Service University Jobs Site Goodmoves Clinpsy British Psychology Society- The Psychologist, Alternative Handbook Clearing House
And remember…