Conventions By: Alexis Segura, Colette Crouere, and Emily Prieto
What’s a convention? -they guide the reader through the text, making ideas readable and understandable -conventions include spelling, punctuation, grammar, capitalization, paragraphing, and word usage -students struggle with conventions because they don’t see the power of good writing, mechanics, and because they are not encouraged to take enough risks with their writing
Conventions include: Grammar Ex- (Where's the dog at?) Punctuation Ex- (Did the dog run to the house.) Capitalization Ex- (The Dog Ran To The House.) Spelling Ex- (The dog rann to thee house.) Word Usage Ex- (Running the dog did.) Paragraphing
Some good ways to teach conventions: 1.Error hunt 2. Reading backwards 3. Practice makes perfect
Correct this essay: My favorite national holidays include Christmas, Easter and Mardi Gras. These are my favorite holidays for many reasons. I love ester Sunday because we go to church as a family on that morning. When we wake up on Easter morning we sit in the living room and open gifts from the Ester Bunny. Easter is a day filled with family fun! My dad always dresses up like the Easter Bunny and surprises my little sister. Easter’s fun!
CHECK YOUR MISTAKES! _____My favorite national holidays include Christmas, Easter and Mardi Gras. These are my favorite holidays for many reasons. I love easter Sunday because we go to church as a family on that morning. When we wake up on Easter morning we sit in the living room and open gifts from the Ester Bunny. Easter is a day filled with family fun! My dad always dresses up like the Easter Bunny and surprises my little sister. Easter’s fun! (PARAGRAPH)
Corrections! 1.) Indent your paragraph 2.) Needs three more sentences for first paragraph 3.) Capitalize Easter 4.) Easter is spelt wrong 5.) The second paragraph needs a better transition 6.) Easter needs to be formal 7.) we need two more paragraphs for this essay