In Russia there are many holidays. They are national holidays and religious holiday.
The New Year Day is on the 1 st of January. Many people go to parties. When the Kremlin clock strikes, we shout “ Happy New Year”
Children like to dance, play, sing songs around the New Year tree.
We celebrate Christmas is on the 7 th of January. This is the day when Jesus Christ was born. At Christmas many people go to church.
I also want to say about Shrovetide. This is the holiday when we meet spring. It is a tradition to make pancakes and burn the figure of Winter. It is a merry holiday.
The 8 th of March is Women’s Day. This is the day when men give ladies presents and flowers. We say “Thank you “ to our mothers, grandmothers and sisters.
In spring we also celebrate Easter. On the Easter Day people greet each other “ Christ is risen! “ And the answer is “He Is Risen indeed !”
We paint eggs and give them as a symbol of eternal life.
May Day is on the 1 st of May. Usually the weather is nice on this day and many people picnics.
Victory Day is the most important holiday. It is on the 9 th of May. We celebrate a great victory over fascists.