C&I 216 & University High School Clinical Experience Orientation Adel Al-Bataineh Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Clinical Experience Hours General meeting at UHS: 2 hours Outside observations (other than CT): 5 hours Attending UHS events such as: – Open House – Concerts – Athletics – department meetings) or professional development activities: 5-7 hours Lesson prep and meetings with CT: 15 hours Observing CT: 5-7 hours
Clinical Experience Hours Teacher aide work for CT such as: – Grading – Copying – Tutoring your CT’s students or tutoring at the Learning Center: 5-7 hours Attending one technology session: 1 hour – 2 points will be deducted from summative evaluation if students do not attend a technology session. Teaching at least three consecutive lessons: 3 hours
Clinical Hours Guidelines The listed (56) hours are the minimum requirement for your clinical experience at University High School. You are encouraged to do more to have an enriched experience. You will also complete microteaching and possibly other clinical experiences related to your C&I class. These hours will be documented as well.
Teaching Expectations This is pre-student teaching; it is not student teaching. You are highly encouraged to get involved in the class where you will be teaching and get to know the students (i.e. their names). Offer your assistance, ask for grading assignments, ask to help in class during independent work. This is a semester long experience, please accordingly.
Teaching Expectations Be prepared to be at UHS for your lab time (TWR) for eleven weeks. Lesson plans will be due by March 3 rd or at least one week in advance of your lessons. You will teach 3 consecutive days. Professional Dress.
The Value of Your UHS Experience This is your opportunity! This is an important step in becoming a professional educator. Maximize your benefits from this experience. Be a partner with your U-High faculty CT. Work hard, enjoy working with your students and the U-High faculty.
UHS Schedules U-High Website – Schedule A, B, C, D – – Please be aware of changes in schedules and plan accordingly. The Clinical Experience at University High School webpage –
Questions, Problems, Concerns? First----Speak with your Cooperating Teacher (CT), and/or your C&I instructor … Or me