Harper Lee TKAM Vocab List
Week 1 Vocab day 1 perpetrated (vb.): carried out; committed quelled (vb.): To quell is to overwhelm something until it is powerless analogous (adj.): similar; comparable compensation (n.): To compensate means to pay for something or to make up for something. indicative (adj.): Something that is indicative of something shows or displays something.
Week 1 Vocab day 1 amiable (adj.): friendly contemptuous (adj.): To be contemptuous is to have the feeling that someone or something is beneath you; that it or they are worthless. melancholy (adj.): sad and gloomy cordiality (n.): sincere affection and kindness eerily (adv.): weirdly; mysteriously
Week 1 Vocab Practice- Synonyms- day 2 Practice Exercise 1: List 5 words from the previous list. For each word think of 3 to 5 synonyms that relate to the word. Ex. 1.Abundant – plentiful, copious, rich 2.Plaintive – mournful, sorrowful, wistful, sad. 3.Peruse - examine, inspect, read carefully, scrutinize 4.Dainty – elegant, delicate, refined 5.Rhetoric – oratory, pomposity, speech-making PerpetratedQuelledAnalogousCompensationIndicative AmiableContemptuousMelancholyCordialityEerily
Week 1 Vocab Practice-Antonyms - day 3 Practice Exercise 1: Choose three words from the list below. For each world list 3 to 5 antonyms that relate to the word. Ex. 1.Abundant – Scarce, limited, occasional 2.Plaintive – Joyous, gleeful, happy 3.Dainty – rough, rugged, harsh PerpetratedQuelledAnalogousCompensationIndicative AmiableContemptuousMelancholyCordialityEerily
Week 1 - Draw 3 Words From The List day 4 Draw an image for 3 of the words within the list. Challenge yourself to draw words that have been harder for you to memorize. Perpetrated: : : : PerpetratedQuelledAnalogousCompensationIndicative AmiableContemptuousMelancholyCordialityEerily
Week 1 - Create 2 Word Pyramids – Day 5 PerpetratedQuelledAnalogousCompensationIndicative AmiableContemptuousMelancholyCordialityEerily Vocab Word Part of speech Synonym AntonymSketch (Sample) Convey VerbShowDepictObscure
Week 1 Story Round Table Practice Exercise 2: 1)Get into a group of 3 2)Write a sentence using one of the vocabulary words. You must attempt to tell a story. 3) Pass the page to the person to the right. 4) Add a sentence to your partner’s story. 5) Repeat for 6 words. PerpetratedQuelledAnalogousCompensationIndicative AmiableContemptuousMelancholyCordialityEerily
Week 1 – Bluff Review Game PerpetratedQuelledAnalogousCompensationIndicative AmiableContemptuousMelancholyCordialityEerily
Analogous Similar or comparable to
Cordia lity (n.): sincere affection and kindness
Compensate To compensate means to pay for something or to make up for something
Contemptuous to have the feeling that someone or something is beneath you; that it or they are worthless.
Definition to Word Round!!!
Weirdly, Mysteriously = Eerily
carried out; committed To perpetrate
Something that shows or display something indicate/indicative
Use the word Correctly in a sentence!!!
Amiable (adj.)
Melancholy (adj.)
Perpetrated (verb.)
Contemptuous (adj.)
Instructions: 1)Each team has 1 fly swatter. 2)Each round the team must send one member to the board to compete. 3)The individual to swat the correct answer on the board the first earns a point for their team. 4)Incorrect answers earn the team nothing.
Eerily Amiable Perpetrated Analogous Quelled Cordiality Contemptuous Compensation Indicative Melancholy
Week 2 Vocab Day 1 Impudent (adj.): disrespectful; bold; sassy Repertoire (n.): accomplishments; skills. Discernible (adj.): understandable Rigid (adj.): stiff Inconspicuous (adj.) To be conspicuous is to attract attention. To be inconspicuous is to do the opposite; to not attract attention. ImpudentRepertoireDiscerniblerigidInconspicuous VaguelyLividDiligentlyMyopicsuccinct
Week 2 Vocab day 1 Vaguely (adv.): to be vague is to be unclear or not precise Livid (adj.): pale; lead-colored. Livid can also mean red, as in the color someone's face gets when that person becomes angry. Diligently (adv.): industriously; in a hard-working manner Myopic (adj): Myopia is an abnormal eye condition, often called nearsightedness. Someone who is myopic cannot see objects clearly. Succinct (adj.): clear and brief ImpudentRepertoireDiscernibleRigidInconspicuous VaguelyLividDiligentlyMyopicSuccinct
Week 2 Vocab Practice day 2 Practice Exercise 3: List 3 words from the list below. For each word think of 3 Antonyms (opposites). Ex. 1.Abundant – scarce, rare, infrequent 2.Plaintive –Happy, elated, jovial. Pick an example from the list as a class: 1 ImpudentRepertoireDiscernibleRigidInconspicuous VaguelyLividDiligentlyMyopicSuccinct
Week 2 Vocab Practice day 3 Practice Exercise 1: List 5 words from the previous list. For each word think of 3 to 5 synonyms that relate to the word. Ex. 1.Abundant – plentiful, copious, rich 2.Plaintive – mournful, sorrowful, wistful, sad. 3.Peruse - examine, inspect, read carefully, scrutinize 4.Dainty – elegant, delicate, refined 5.Rhetoric – oratory, pomposity, speech-making ImpudentRepertoireDiscernibleRigidInconspicuous VaguelyLividDiligentlyMyopicSuccinct
Week 2- Create 2 Word Pyramids Day 4 PerpetratedQuelledAnalogousCompensationIndicative AmiableContemptuousMelancholyCordialityEerily Vocab Word Part of speech Synonym AntonymSketch (Sample) Convey VerbShowDepictObscure
Week 2 Word Scramble day 5 1) ictscnuc (hint – adj.) 2) geuvyla (hint – adv.) 3) rirepretoe (hint – n.) 4) Ipyomc (hint – adj.) 5) lendyilgit (hint – adj.) 6) cicnpouoisnus (hint- adj.) Use one of these 6 words correctly in a sentence: ImpudentRepertoireDiscernibleRigidInconspicuous VaguelyLividDiligentlyMyopicSuccinct
Week 2 Vocab Practice ACROSS 1. Means to understand 2. Means bold, sassy 3. Means clear or brief 4. To not attract attention DOWN 1. Means to be angry 2. Means hard working
Week 2 Story Round Table Practice Exercise 2: 1)Get into a group of 3 2)Write a sentence using one of the vocabulary words. You must attempt to tell a story. 3) Pass the page to the person to the right. 4) Add a sentence to your partner’s story. 5) Repeat for 6 words. ImpudentRepertoireDiscernibleRigidInconspicuous VaguelyLividDiligentlyMyopicSuccinct
Week 2 – Bluff Game ImpudentRepertoireDiscerniblerigidInconspicuous VaguelyLividDiligentlyMyopicsuccinct
Livid Red, as in the color someone's face gets when that person becomes angry.
Repertoire accomplishments; skills.
Succinct clear and brief.
Impudent Disrespectful, bold, sassy
Definition to Word Round!!!
to not attract attention Inconspicuous
Nearsightedness, an inability to see the big picture Myopic
industriously; in a hard-working manner Diligently
Use the word Correctly in a sentence!!!
Blast From the PAST Use the word Correctly in a sentence!!!
More Vocabulary predilection (n.): a predilection is a preference, or a preferred way of doing something. Thus, the Radley's preferred way of spending a Sunday afternoon was to keep the doors closed and not receive visitors. tedious (adj.): boring; tiresome candid (adj.): open and honest volition (n.): will. Scout is saying that someone like Tom would never go into somebody's yard on his own or unless he had been invited to do so, and would never do so of his own will or volition. PredilectionTediousCandidVolitionFatalistic FurtiveHeathenAcquit
More Vocabulary day 1 fatalistic (adj.): To be fatalistic about something is to accept the event as though it were inevitable; that is, that nothing could be done to change or alter. furtive (adj.): sneaky heathen (adj.): unenlightened; without religion or morals acquit (vb.): clear of a charge; find not guilty PredilectionTediousCandidVolitionFatalistic FurtiveHeathenAcquit
More Vocabulary day 1 Fill in the blank 1)“Mr. Henry also managed to shift the ___________attitude of Red Sox fans after their two recent titles.” 2) Some students are refreshingly ___________ about themselves, others prefer to censor their feelings. 3) The robber made _____________ movements around the ledge of the house. 4) Use one word in a sentence. PredilectionTediousCandidVolitionFatalistic FurtiveHeathenAcquit
Draw 3 Words From The List day 2 Draw an image for 3 of the words within the list. Challenge yourself to draw words that have been harder for you to memorize. Perpetrated: : : : PredilectionTediousCandidVolitionFatalistic FurtiveHeathenAcquit
Fin Please feel free to duplicate slides and add more vocabulary of your own! By Eric Junco Do you have an idea for classroom shirts, aparell or other items? Please go to for up to a 30% discount on your purchase.