God opened a door and gave me an opportunity to teach the Walk Thru the Bible Old and New Testament Survey at Solid Rock Theological Seminary in Kerala, India. India Mission Trip September 2005
This is where the Seminary is located.
Solid Rock Theological Seminary
Dr. Ron, myself & the students in front of the Seminary
Yes, they really have elephants in India! We met this one on the way to Church one Sunday morning!
Dr. Ron R. Seecharan (white shirt) is the President and founder of Solid Rock International Ministries, Inc. and Solid Rock Theological Seminary in India. Through this ministry they have had fifteen graduating classes and 298 graduates now serving the Lord throughout India. They also have 20 graduates in Burma who are in the ministry there. Burma is a country between China and India with a population of 35 million. Many of their graduates are going back to their home states and planting new churches. Some are going into evangelism; some are serving as pastors, while others are serving as missionaries in tribal areas where it is dangerous to name the name of Christ. To know more about Solid Rock International Ministries, Inc. please check out their website: