The FIRST English COLONIES England wants to compete with France and Spain. England wants to compete with France and Spain. England tries to colonize off the coast of North Carolina England tries to colonize off the coast of North Carolina First Attempt at colonization: take notes on clip First Attempt at colonization: take notes on clip Roanoke…the colony that wasn’t. Roanoke…the colony that wasn’t.
Journal 1. Has your family ever moved? If so, why? 2. What might cause your family to move away from Houston?
In England in 1607 land and job opportunities were scarce. In England in 1607 land and job opportunities were scarce. Poverty and homelessness drove many people to leave. Poverty and homelessness drove many people to leave. Others were ill-treated because of their religious and political beliefs, and left to get away from persecution. Others were ill-treated because of their religious and political beliefs, and left to get away from persecution.
What Challenges might the English face as they try to colonize again? (Hint: view the clip before writing your response): What Challenges might the English face as they try to colonize again? (Hint: view the clip before writing your response): The New World The New World Why do you think so few Europeans had settled on the Atlantic Coast? Why do you think so few Europeans had settled on the Atlantic Coast? Turn to pages in the Historical Atlas. Study the physical land maps of the 13 colonies to help answer the question above Turn to pages in the Historical Atlas. Study the physical land maps of the 13 colonies to help answer the question above
We are learning about the two English colonies sponsored by the London Company. Find the two colonies on the map on page 72 in textbooks. We are learning about the two English colonies sponsored by the London Company. Find the two colonies on the map on page 72 in textbooks. The people in the two colonies were different, as were their locations. Both colonies survived because the people adapted to the land and circumstances they encountered in America. The people in the two colonies were different, as were their locations. Both colonies survived because the people adapted to the land and circumstances they encountered in America.
Jamestown Colony Plymouth Colony BOTH COLONIES Population : What types of people came? Goals : Why did they come? Geography : Describe the colony's land and climate Hardships: What difficulties did they face? Relations with Native Americans Economy : How did they make a living? Government: Who made laws for their society?