Fulfilling Lives: Supporting people with multiple needs Julie Galano Head of Funding 19 June 2015
The Big Lottery Fund We distribute 40 per cent of the money raised by the National Lottery for Good Causes. Our funding supports the aspirations of people who want to make life better for their communities. Our mission is to bring real improvements to communities and the lives of people most in need
Strategic Framework Our Vision: People in the lead
England Strategic Investments A Better Start HeadStart Talent Match Multiple Needs Ageing Better Supporting around 60 partnerships with £500m of strategic funding for preventative, evidence based systemic change within tough social policy issues over the next 5-10 years.
In July 2012, we launched one of the most challenging and ambitious funding initiatives that the Big Lottery Fund has ever run. Up to £112 million for people with multiple needs like mental health, substance misuse and homelessness Locally-owned and joined-up services that better enable people to manage their lives Multiple Needs
Our areas of focus... Targeted at 12 areas in England identified as most likely to have high number of people with entrenched multiple and complex needs at least two of Substance abuse Homelessness Reoffending Mental ill health
Our outcomes Supporting people with multiple and complex needs People with multiple and complex needs are able to better manage their lives through access to person centred and co- ordinated services Services are more tailored and better connected and will empower users to take full part in effective service design and delivery. Shared learning and the improved measurement of outcomes for people with multiple and complex needs will demonstrate the impact of service models to key stakeholders.