A typical treatment journey?
Care Plan Drug and Alcohol use Physical and Psychological Health Criminal Involvement and Offending Social Functioning
What the Guidelines say Few service users who enter drug treatment intend to be in specialist drug treatment indefinitely. For those who wish to be drug-free, commissioners and providers need to create better pathways and exits from specialist drug treatment. These pathways should include drug-related support (e.g. relapse prevention, mutual support groups, advice and harm reduction) and non-drug-related support (e.g. access to housing, supported accommodation, relationship support, education and training, support to gain employment, and parenting and childcare responsibilities). (Department of Health (England) and the devolved administrations (2007), Drug Misuse and Dependence, UK Guidelines on Clinical Management. London: Department of Health (England), the Scottish Government and Northern Ireland Executive)
The Reality 18 years on Methadone – life maintenance? 4 workers in 12 years in Telford 15 periods of imprisonment High overdose risk – 100mg/ml Methadone, 100ml Diazepam, 100ml Tamazepam, Heroin (IV), Crack cocaine, Alcohol Case conferences Mental Health Services Homelessness x 2 Support for one hour weekly maximum
Rob the C.E.O at the start of his journey
What happened next? New Worker Service User Group involvement SMART Groups Support from commissioners Steering group formed C.I.C. Formed Service user involvement to DAAT Board CCG Roundtable
Early Smart Groups
Gardening project
First smart centre
Remembrance garden
Certificates for service users
Health and safety training
Professional bodies at awards ceremony
Xmas dinner party
The Recovery Walk 2013
The Recovery Walk 2014
Recovery conference 2014 & 2015
2015 NICE LGC Awards Winner
Service users attending TACT April 2014 to Jan 2015
Visitors to TACT April 2014 to Jan 2015
Overcrowding is a problem
Disabled access issues
Moving on and growing
Thank you for your time We hope you enjoyed our presentation Any questions?