Research Questions Joan Zenan, Jocelyn Rankin Public Health Outreach Forum National Library of Medicine Lister Hill Auditorium Bethesda, Maryland
Research Questions/Issues Linking My Library and Infinet - define scope and how it transacts needed info (e.g., e coli) –need to segment needs by work group –how might this help to structure design of services/training Document delivery to ASTHO member organizations - do we know how many have doc delivery partners? Who are they? What is level of demand?
Research Questions/Issues Fulltext on web - does anyone include the state libraries in license negotiations? “White” on HAN maps - how do we fill the data gaps? Is an information infrastructure needs inventory needed? What’s the role of AHECs in collaborating with SHDs? What’s the role of IAIMS?
Research Questions/Issues How to deal with issue of turnover? Need for standardization of data collection instruments? What literature outside traditional literature is needed? How to provide access? Look at HIV model. MEDLINE literature may be too clinical. Maybe expand MEDLINEplus materials instead? Need studies on info seeking behaviors in disparate PH professionals
Research Questions/Issues Do we know how much PH literature is available online? Status of e- publishing in PH? Do we have techniques for finding evidence-based answers in PH? Effective ways for PH pros to learn - classroom vs. other training delivery mecahnisms?
Research Questions/Issues Training requirements for workgroups - how do we define a workgroup? Self- defining is a mixed bag - classifying by job description may miss groups. Comparative study of self-empowerment training vs. full-service model Halo effect of follow-up to training - does training impact practice, effectiveness?
Research Questions/Issues How the public perceives PH - role for collaborations in researching this –PH “branding” initiative –Turning Point’s social marketing collaborative HRSA’s PH Training Centers - needs assessments of PH workers might be data source Training of librarians for PH roles - need for train the trainers, shadowing, mentoring
Research Questions/Issues Need for collective multi-site evaluations to assess cumulative effects Measuring info seeking behavior - utility of pre-class and post-class survey (immediate and months later) Similar issues will be raised at the PH Informatics AMIA Spring Congress (see next slide)
4. PHI Research Agenda Topics (from Bill Yasnoff) Data Collection, Management, & Quality Evaluation Integration of Data Data and Information Dissemination Confidentiality Automated Decision Support Policy Collaboration Training