Community Education Full Service Schools Community Partners Presented by the Office of Community Education May 26, 2011
Community Education philosophy emphasizes the importance of community engagement, partnering, and collaboration. Since its inception in 1968, the Community Education Program has collaborated and maintained relationships that continue to this day. Senior among these partnerships is the commitment with the City of St. Louis and the Board of Education to jointly fund the program. That commitment is strengthened further through the presence of the community as a partner and is manifested by the 279 citizens who serve as community council members. 2
3 There are currently 101 Full Service School partners. Many relationships were formed prior to the community education centers evolving into FSS. Once having become committed to becoming FSS, a comprehensive community engagement process was initiated. Community councils analyzed the results of the engagement process and established priorities for acquiring new partners.
4 PartnerServiceOutcomes Better Family Life Provides a variety of social service programs, including but not limited to: a Healthy Marriage Initiative, Housing, Community Based Abstinence Education, Financial Literacy, and After School programs. Goal: Serve 100 Vashon students, adults, or families. Results: Served 172 students. City of St. Louis Department of Social Services “Hope is Moving In” Implement the $8.2 million federal homeless prevention grant. Goal: Serve a minimum of 8 clients each day, 5 days per week during regular school and summer months. Results: Number of clients served – Clay-1,591, Mullanphy-704, Sigel-1,117, Stevens-1,591. Healthcare Education, LLC Provides Certified Nursing Assistant (C.N.A.), Certified Medical Technician (C.M.T.) and Phlebotomy classes at Yeatman CEFSS. Goal: Enroll 12 to 15 students in each class. Results: C.N.A. – 15, C.M.T. – 13, Phlebotomy – 15. National Council of Jewish Women “ Kids Closet” Provide new clothing and hygiene supplies to staff identified students. Goal: 150 students will be provided clothing and personal hygiene supplies at least once. Results: Ford-73, Hamilton-62, Mullanphy-34, Walbridge-237.
5 The pursuit of partnerships is ongoing. The service delivery and tracking processes are being closely reviewed. Professional development for school staffs and other key stakeholder groups is needed.