Forest Park Elementary School Community Values & Personal Standards
As a Forest Park citizen, I promise to Show respect Make good decisions Solve problems and Practice kindness TODAY.
SHOW RESPECT Do This : Call people by their actual names. Say please, thank you, excuse me, & you’re welcome. Use a calm tone of voice. Ask nicely. Walk quietly while on campus. Keep our campus clean & safe. Do NOT Do This: Call people rude or mean names. Say rude, mean, or swear words. Tease or make fun of other people. Scold or yell at other people. Demand things or act bossy. Yell, run, or push on campus. Litter, leave a mess, damage property, or waste resources.
MAKE GOOD DECISIONS Do This : Obey the school and class rules. Follow directions from all adults who work at Forest Park. Be honest and trustworthy. Think before you speak and act. Do your part to make sure everyone at Forest Park belongs and feels valued. Do NOT Do This: Break or ignore the rules. Ignore or defy school employees or parent volunteers. Lie, cheat, or steal. Say or do things that hurt others or are inappropriate. Act in ways that make others feel unwanted or unimportant.
SOLVE PROBLEMS Do This : Remain calm. (count to 10 or take deep breaths to calm down) Think about what you feel & need and about what other people feel & need. Work together to find solutions that make things better for everyone. Ask an adult for help or suggestions. Speak up to stop inappropriate, mean, or bullying behavior. Do NOT Do This: Speak rudely or yell at others. Threaten other people or get revenge. Engage in physical violence (hitting, pushing, kicking, fighting, etc.) Make the problem worse by gossiping, making other people pick sides, or ganging up on someone. Laugh at, encourage, or ignore problem behavior.
PRACTICE KINDNESS Do This : Smile and be friendly. Make new friends and appreciate the gift of friendship. Lend a helping hand. Do and say kind things that show that every person at FP belongs and matters. Get involved in community service. Do NOT Do This: Make rude faces or stare. Exclude people or try to control your friends. Ignore opportunities to help. Mistreat, tease, bully, or gossip about anyone in our community. Hurt anyone or damage property in our community.
Together we can make our a better place for everyone!