Your Goals Read a lot! Make bingos! Win tickets and prizes!
How Does It Work?
It has 25 squares. Each square gives a different location. This is your BINGO CHART.
For example, one location on the chart is… the forest.
So, read a book that takes place in a forest Rumble in the Jungle By Geronimo Stilton This book is fiction. This one is at the public library! For example, you could read this book. It takes place in a jungle – which is a type of forest.
Here’s another book with a forest location Flashy Fantastic Rain Forest Frogs By Dorothy Paten Swansfield’s Media Center has this one! This book is informational (nonfiction). That works too! Wait! Isn’t this one about frogs?! Wait! Isn’t this one about frogs?! Sure! But it is also about the forest they live in. Sure! But it is also about the forest they live in.
When you have finished a book, write it in your Reading Log. A Forest p. 39 Flashy, Fantastic Rain Forest Frogs Dorothy Patten 1/5/14 This is your Reading Log.
Bingo Chart Then, put an X in the correct square on your Bingo Chart. Forest
Now, pick a new book with a new location.
Bingo Chart How about……Pyramids?
Books with Pyramids Egypt By Jeff E. Reynolds Mummies in the Morning By Mary Pope Osborne Literature (Fiction) Informational Text (nonfiction) Swansfield’s Media Center has this one!
Bingo Chart How about……A different time?
A few books set in…A Different Time? Colonial Times, By Joy Masoff Viking It and Liking It By Jon Scieszka Literature (Fiction) Informational Text (nonfiction) Swansfield’s Media Center has BOTH!
Bingo Chart How about……Somewhere with Villains? A “villain” is someone who is really bad!
In these books, you’ll find locations with villains. Jesse James By John Hamilton Welcome to Camp Slither By R.L. Stine Literature (Fiction) Informational Text (nonfiction) Swansfield’s Media Center has this one!
Reading Bingo is a game. Games have rules.
Rule #1 A book can be used only once on the Bingo Chart! You can use this book for… A different time (the far, far past) The Ocean (viking boats cross the ocean) OR but NOT BOTH
Rule #1: Use book only once Here But NOT both! Or here
Rule #2: Only one book from a series can be used! Example: Title of book Title of series Once you use this book, you cannot use any other books in the Goosebumps series.
Rule #3: Write each book on the Reading Log. Colonial Times, By Joy Masoff
All the Rules #1) A book can be used only once on the Bingo Chart. #2) Only one book from a series can be used. #3) Write the book in your Reading Log. Who can name all 3 rules?
What is in the Red Folder?
Bingo Chart
Reading Log
You said something about … tickets & prizes ?
How do I win tickets and prizes? Make bingos!
1 Bingo = 25 Tickets
2 Bingos = 50 Tickets
3 Bingos = 75 Tickets
12 Bingos = 300 Tickets
5 Gift Cards from Barnes & Noble Bookstore These go to… the first 5 students who 1.make Level 12 in bingo, or 2. get farthest in the game by the last day of May. Whichever comes first.
Your Goals Read a lot! Make bingos! Win tickets and prizes!
Reading Bingo Board StartLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3Level 4 Zola Every student has a star with their name on it.
Reading Bingo Board StartLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3Level 4 Every time you get 1 bingo, you move up 1 level on the board.
Reading Bingo Board StartLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3Level 4 Get a 2nd bingo? Move up another level.
Reading Bingo Board StartLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3Level 4 Let the world know what a great reader you are! Keep moving up!
Reading Bingo Board StartLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3Level 4 And up!
Reading Bingo Board StartLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3Level 4 ATTENTION! DO NOT touch the board! ONLY ADULTS touch the board!
Frequently Asked Questions When and where do I read? In school and at home. Once I get a bingo, what do I do? Show your teacher your Log & Bingo Chart. Your teacher will then 1.give you your tickets. 2.move your star on the Bingo Bulletin Board.
Frequently Asked Questions (cont’d) What happens if I lose my Red Folder? We will give you one new folder. If you lose that one, you’re out of the game. What if I do not want to play Reading Bingo? You don’t have to! But why miss all the fun?