Strategy / External Relations Anne Asserson Brussels, 28th January 2011
Identity euroCRIS is a not-for-profit organization, dedicated to the development of Research Information Systems and their interoperability. Mission euroCRIS is established to be the internationally recognized point of reference for all matters relating to CRIS: Current Research Information Systems. Key Objectives Achieving universal recognition for the necessity and utility of CRIS Achieving universal recognition of the desirability of interoperating CRIS, and interoperating CRIS with other relevant systems Achieving universal utilisation of (the evolving) CERIF standard for CRIS and for CRIS interoperation
Regular Initiatives of euroCRIS Biannual members meetings –The purpose of the members meeting is to inspire the local communities that are planning to or using a CRIS. Members meetings are an opportunity to talk inside the euroCRIS community. Annual strategic seminar. –The purpose of the seminars is to talks to strategic partners and to form policies. Biennial CRIS conference (even years) –The purpose of the conferences is to talk to communities outside euroCRIS Task Group meetings as required Board meetings 4 times per year
Key issues of the euroCRIS strategic plan 1. Promotion of CERIF 2. Increased membership 3. Website 4. Strategic partners 5. OA community to move from DC to CERIF 6. EU funded project to demonstrate capability
1. Promotion of CERIF Submission of proposals and participation in EC- funded projects relevant to CRIS. –That is gaining credibility at the EC and communities by projects. –Another aspect of a project will be to pull euroCRIS closer together. The establishing of a CERIF CRIS at the Russian Academy is exciting.
Participating at conferences to institutions/organisations where there are a strong intersection of interest and function. (Should euroCRIS support if papers accepted?) –LIBER Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes des recherches (Association of European Research Libraries) conference with the theme “Getting Europe ready for 2020: the library's role in research, education and society” Submitted abstract to the liber conference june 2011 –EUNIS conference in Irland EUNIS 2011 is the 17th Congress in a series of international conferences within the framework of the European University Information Systems organisation (EUNIS). euroCRIS was encouraged to participate by L. Riberro at the strategic seminar The theme of the conference is “Maintaining a Sustainable future for IT in Higher Education” with the streams Abstract/paper ? –CODATA conference at euroCRIS participated with a one day program in Kiev 2008 and this program ended up as a special number in the DSJ. –The mission of CODATA is to strengthen international science for the benefit of society by promoting improved scientific and technical data management and use. Abstract/Paper?
Must not forget the Library Community, they are moving on…. OCLC ha established a working group to Support reseach Dissimination ( Research Information Management (RIM) … helping scholars get the most out of new technologies that can enhance the quality of their work, and ….helping academic institutions with the assessment of their research output. …The objective of our efforts in this area is to reach a collective understanding of the responsibilities of, and opportunities for, libraries in a changed research environment.
2. Strategic partners Strengthening relationships with strategic partners and increasing partnerships We should form a strategic partnership with –LIBERhttp:// –COAR has partnership arrangements Here is a lot of persons that are working within areas close to us: Neil Jacobs (JISC), Donatella Castelli (CNR / DRIVER / OpenAIRE), David Prosser (research Libraries UK), Norbert Lossau (leader of DRIVER and OpenAIRE) to mention some at the picture.
5. OA community to move from DC to CERIF 2nd WORKSHOP ON CRIS, CERIF AND INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORIES Integrating Research Information: CRIS + OA 23 May 2011, CNR Central Building, Piazzale Aldo Moro, Roma
Januar 2011 submitted two project euroCRIS participation –VIREC led by University of Torino –POSE Project on Open Scholarship in Europe led by EOS /Alma Swan and euroCRIS Question: –If euroCRIS is not successful, should we use our resources on other things, eg. Pick up insitutions that wants to know more about CERIF-CRIS. –Eg. Persons that we meet at conferences and other events 6. EU funded project to demonstrate capability
Development of Open Source Library of services to build a CERIF-CRIS or wrapper Particularly initiatives persuading the Digital Library community to Use CERIF, also the repositories of research data/software. Setting up mechanisms for dialogue with regions outside the European context –Korea, Keith Jeffery and AA were approached at the GL11 conference –Africa? Keith Jeffery is talking to the Association of Commonwealth Universities Further development of website especially with Web2.0 features for discussion fora and further content Setting up a CERIF certification mechanism (like W3C approved web pages) Further development of CERIF –especially in the area of finance –Consideration of development of CERIF for education (student) information as well as research We must be able to show and demonstrate the interconnection of CERIF -CRIS. If only by a few CRISs.