Warm Up Read Primary Source Article #4 in your Civil War Packet Page 66 in your Packet
1862 A Bloody Year
January – Lincoln orders Union Offensive February – General Grant moves on the Mississippi Valley Why move down the Mississippi Valley?
Nashville Falls February 25
CSS Virginia (Merrimac) v USS Monitor March 9 Important Civil War 1 st Steam Powered Iron Clad Ships Why are naval clashes important for Confederacy?
Shiloh TN, April 6-7 Confeds attack Grant 2 days of intense fighting 20,000 Union and Confederate casualties
Goodbye McClellan March Ignores Lincoln Fired as General in Chief Put in command of Army of Potomac
The Peninsular Campaign Invasion of VA towards Richmond April –July 1862
Antietam September Lee invades after Peninsular Campaign towards DC Stopped at Sharpsburg MD Dead and Wounded in 1 day
Antietam Battle is a draw Both sides suffer heavy casualties Single bloodiest day in American History Lee retreats Why was invasion a mistake? McClellan could have followed and defeated Lee
The Camera and the War Technology spreading pictures of the War
For the Remainder… Read Primary Source Article 5 in Civil War Packet Work on Civil War Essay Due Friday Typed or Written in Ink
Warm Up: Put the Following Events in Correct Order Antietam Lincoln’s Election First Bull Run Fort Sumter Peninsular Campaign Shiloh Secession of SC Monitor v. Merrimac Lincoln’s Inauguration Put Essays on Front Table!
The Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln needed a Victory to take war and war effort to next level. War to go from conflict to crusade Open Resource Packet to page 31
The 5 W’s Who passes the Emancipation Proclamation? When was it passed? Where did it take effect? What does it proclaim? Why was it passed?
Questions Why did Lincoln free slaves only in the Southern States? Does Lincoln have the power to do this? Why was it passed after Antietam?
Naval Victories David Farragut New Orleans Begin Siege of Vicksburg
Remainder of Period Civil War Review Sheets