2 GENERAL INFORMATION : COMMUNITY SUPPORT FRAMEWORK 4 bulletins for young farmers installation aid 2 bulletins for Improving Plans
young farmers joined in joined out Maximum financial aid: Mountain areas: € Disadvantaged areas: € Flat land areas: € For investments in agricultural holding Aid can not exceed the amount of € Support for YF up to 60%
: COMMUNITY SUPPORT FRAMEWORK 2 bulletins for young farmers installation aid young farmers Maximum financial aid: Mountain areas: € Disadvantaged areas: € Flat land areas: € For investments in agricultural holding Aid can not exceed the amount of € for dairy and € for plant sector Support for YF up to 60% / 2
5 Case study example Young farmer from Greece Name: Christos Dimou Age: 31 Family company 90 hectars 40he. own land – 50he. rent land Cultivations : 20he. Cotton, 15he. Maize, 40he. Cereals, 8he. Water melons, 4he. Olive oils and 2he. clover
6 February of 2002 application for young farmers installation aid (11h own,9h rent) August of 2002 approval Cost of file study: 1000€ 2004 bought 3h field with € loan (rate1,52%,subsidizing rate 80%) 2006 application for investment in agricultural holding Cost of file study: 3000€
7 Machinery costs Tractor € Fertilizer 1.419€ Drip irrigation (cotton) 6.088€ Hydraulic harrows 7.300€ Precision seeding € Spray 7.900€ Total costs €
8 Farm building costs Store 375 sguare meters Building permit 3.298€ Cost € (foto)
9 Total investment Totals € Aid 60% € Rest € 1)Excesses € 2)Loan € with 6,22% rate for 10 years
10 Land costs Depends from the area and if it is irrigated For example : In mountain and disadvantaged areas you can pay € per hectare In flat land areas and irrigated €per hectare
11 Labour costs