Federal Acquisition Service Rosebud Agency, SD Panorama Scanner Choctaw Agency, MS Truck Tractor Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, NV Computer Table, Garmin GPS III Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN) in Oklahoma Crane, Light Duty Truck, Truck Tractor Mescalero Apache Tribe, NM Travel Trailer, Fish Scale, 4x4 Pickup
Federal Acquisition Service Travel Trailer – MAT New Mexico
Federal Acquisition Service Scale at Fish Hatchery – MAT NM
Federal Acquisition Service 4X4 Pickup – MAT New Mexico
Federal Acquisition Service Crane – CPN Oklahoma
Federal Acquisition Service Light Duty Truck CPN - Oklahoma
Federal Acquisition Service CPN Truck Tractor
Federal Acquisition Service Step 3 – Excess: Screening and Federal Transfers Property in GSAXcess® is available for screening by and transfer to: Federal agencies (for their own use or their authorized contractors, cooperatives and grantees) Senate, House of Representatives, and Capitol Architect DC Government Mixed-ownership Government corporations Tribes must have access to GSAXcess® Via BIA – Susan Zirkle (703) Via IHS – Jim Kerr (202) Reference: 41 CFR
Federal Acquisition Service Step 3 – Excess: Screening and Federal Transfers Search available property On-line Physical screening “Screening” period normally 21 calendar days Submit request via GSAXcess® Reference: 41 CFR through 41 CFR
Federal Acquisition Service Golden Rules of Acquiring Excess Property… There must be an authorized need for the property. You must not acquire excess personal property with the intent to sell or trade for other assets. Tribes must justify how they are going to use the property with their (BIA or IHS) contract.
Federal Acquisition Service Who Pays for the Transportation for Excess Property? Acquiring agency is required to pay shipping and transportation costs. When applicable, acquiring agency may have to pay packing, loading, and dismantling costs.
Federal Acquisition Service Step 4 – Federal Surplus Property Donation Program At the completion of screening for Federal use, property not transferred is declared surplus Property is donated from GSA through State Agencies for Surplus Property (SASP) Participants in the Surplus Donation Program include State and local public agencies Nonprofit educational and public health institutions Nonprofit and public programs for the elderly Educational activities of special interest to the Department of Defense Public airports Indian Tribes located on State Reservations Reference: 41 CFR
Federal Acquisition Service What if the Property is not Transferred or Donated????
Federal Acquisition Service Step 5 - Sales GSA offers many sales methods including the following: Internet auctions via GSA Auctions® Drop By Sale Live Auctions Sealed Bid GSA sales provide national exposure, state-of-the-art elements, competitive bidding, and maximum returns - Fees are charged Reference: 41 CFR
Federal Acquisition Service
Computers for Learning Region 4 Transfers Fiscal Year 2010 (through February) 553 Line Items valued at $4,696,588
Federal Acquisition Service »Utilization is Reuse…… »Donation is Reuse…… »Computers for Learning is Reuse……. »Sales offers property for Reuse…..
Federal Acquisition Service QUESTIONS? If you have Questions, or for Further Assistance… Area Property Officer (APO) Additional information available at Karen L. Warrior, Director Southeast Sunbelt Region