Warm Up Question March 10, 2011 Create a sentence with the following terms that you learned yesterday during the lecture. Small pox Ohio United States Tecumseh
March 9, 2011 EQ: What were the causes and effects of the War of 1812? Objectives:Explain why the United States declared war on Great Britain. Describe what happened in the early days of the war. Discuss the American invasion of Canada. Identify the events leading to the end of the war. Homework:Finish packet for Monday.
War Hawkin it Up!!! -Tensions continue to rise as Great Britain increases their attacks on American trade ships. -Not only that but Americans are angry that Great Britain is arming Native American tribes to fight the U.S. -Many Americans believe that our pride is at stake and that we must go to war!! Nationalism-? Pride in one’s country War Hawks- Those who were eager for war with Great Britain!!! I pity the fool who wants PEACE!!!!
First Days of War -The first few days of war the United States thought they could win this war because the British were still fighting the French in Europe. -Although, the US only had 16 Navy warships and 7,000 men in the army. -Britain worried about Canada so they armed the Native Americans.
Blockade- -Another way to protect Canada was to blockade the U.S. coast. -By 1814 the British had over 135 warships blockading the United States coast. The British Blockade
USS Constitution “Old Ironsides”
Invasion of the Maple Leaf Country a! -Even before the war, war hawks were demanding to invade the last British colony, CANADA!!!! -The control of the Great Lakes was very important because it would allow troops to be transported more easily over water than land. -The British at first had success but the Americans struck back and defeated the British on the Great Lakes. -The Americans were not decisive in taking Canada and it was a back and forth battle for control of the Maple Leaf country until the end of the war.
Native Americans and the War of Native Americans, including Tecumseh, were not only supplied with British weapons but were encouraged to fight for the British and attack the U.S. -Most of their fighting was along the Canadian border. -Unfortunately, Native Americans lost when they faced trained U.S. soldiers. -Tecumseh was killed in the Battle of Thames. -Native American dream to retake their homeland died with Tecumseh.
Final Years of the War -The British attacked Washington D.C. and set fire to the entire city, including the White House. -Dolly Madison was barely able to get President Madison’s important documents out of the White House. -After taking the capital of the United States, the British then attacked Baltimore unsuccessfully. -Both sides were unable to reach a victory and tired of war, the U.S. and Great Britain signed the Treaty of Ghent December 24, Because it took weeks for communication to reach the U.S., Andrew Jackson defeated the British decisively at the Battle of New Orleans in January of 1815.
Star Spangled Banner On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream: 'Tis the star-spangled banner, O! long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.