Training & Development
2 Agenda Introduction of training & development Distinction between training, development & education Purpose of training Advantage & disadvantage of Training Areas of Training Steps in training process Types of training & development Evaluation of training
4 DELIVERING CUSTOMISED TRAINING SUCCESSFULLY “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn” - Benjamin Franklin
Introduction Training is the formal and systematic modification of behavior through learning which occurs as a result of education, instruction, development and planned experience Development is any learning activity, which is directed towards future, needs rather than present needs, and which is concerned more with career growth than immediate performance.
Training, Development and Education HRD programs are divided into three main categories: Training, Development, and Education. Training is the acquisition of technology, which permits employees to perform their present job to standards. It improves human performance on the job the employee is presently doing or is being hired to do. Also, it is given when new technology in introduced into the workplace. Development is training people to acquire new horizons, technologies, or viewpoints. It enables leaders to guide their organizations onto new expectations by being proactive rather than reactive. It enables workers to create better products, faster services, and more competitive organizations. It is learning for growth of the individual, but not related to a specific present or future job
Contd… Education is training people to do a different job. It is often given to people who have been identified as being promotable, being considered for a new job either lateral or upward, or to increase their potential. Unlike training, which can be fully evaluated immediately upon the learners returning to work, education can only be completely evaluated when the learners move on to their future jobs or tasks.
Distinction between Training and Education The following table draws a distinction between training and education more clearly TrainingEducation Short term processLong term process Knowledge & skill for specific purposeFor overall development Primarily related to technical skills learning Related to managerial behavioral & attitudinal development application Theoretical orientation Job ExperienceClassroom learning Specific TasksGeneral concepts Narrow perspectiveBroad perspective
Distinction between Training and Development LearningTrainingDevelopment WHO Non-managersManagers WHAT TechnicalTheoretical WHY Specific jobGeneral WHEN Short termLong term
10 1. Respond to technology changes affecting job requirements. 2. Respond to organizational restructuring. 3. Adapt to increased diversity of the workforce. 4.Support career development. 5. Fulfill employee need for growth. 6.To reduce the number of accidents 7.To increase productivity and quality 8.To promote versatility and adaptability to new methods Purpose of Training
Advantages of Training 1. Leads to improved profitability and/or more positive attitudes toward profits orientation. 2. Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization. 3. Improves the morale of the workforce. 4. Helps people identify with organizational goals. 5. Helps create a better corporate image. 6. Fosters authentically, openness and trust. 7. Improves the relationship between boss and subordinate. 8. Aids in organizational development. 9. Learns from the trainee. 10. Helps prepare guidelines for work.
Areas of Training The Areas of Training in which training is offered may be classified into the following categories: Knowledge Here the trainee learns about a set of rules and regulations about the job, the staff and the products or services offered by the company. The aim is to make the new employee fully aware of what goes inside and outside the company. Technical Skills The employee is taught a specific skill (e.g., operating a machine and handling computer) so that he can acquire that skill and contribute meaningfully.
Contd… Social Skills The employee is made to learn about himself and other, develop a right mental attitude, towards the job, colleagues and the company. The principal focus is on teaching the employee how to be a team member and get ahead. Techniques This involves the application of knowledge and skill to various on- the-job situations. In addition to improving the skills and knowledge of employees, training aims at clouding employee attitudes: When administered properly, a training programme. It will go a long way in obtaining employee loyalty, support and commitment to company activities.
14 I. Needs Assessment II. Developing & Conducting Training III. Evaluating Training Training Process Model
15 I. Needs Assessment 1. Organizational Level 2. Job Level 3. Individual Level
16 Contd… 1. Organizational Level Technology change. Organizational restructuring. Change in workforce. Marketing Plans. Productivity measures
17 Contd… 2. Job Level Job and task analysis. Identify Key areas. Review procedural and technical manuals. Design Training Program
18 Contd… 3. Individual Level Determine who needs training and what kind. Tests. Prior training and experience. Performance review. Career assessment.
19 II. Developing and Conducting Training 1. Determine location and who will conduct the training. oOnsite facilities vs. offsite. oInside training staff vs. outside vendors. 2. Develop training curricula. Based on job/task analysis and individual needs. 3. Select training methods. oConsidering learning principles. oConsider appropriateness and cost.
20 How do Employees Learn the Best? Learning is the acquisition of skills, knowledge, or attitudes. The adult learning theory is a field of research that examines how adults learn. A number of the following tips come from the adult leaning theory.
21 How employees learn the best: When they are actively involved in the learning process-(to do this choose a appropriate teaching method). Training is relevant and practical. Training material is organized and presented in chunks. Training is in an informal, quiet, and comfortable setting. When they have a good trainer. When they receive feedback on performance. When they are rewarded.
Training Methods: In house On the job training Apprenticeship Vestibule Training – Next to actual work site and hands-on experience Job Rotation – Target all employees – Leadership track
Training Methods: Off-Site Lecturing Behavioral modeling Simulations Computer assisted training
Training Methods: Management Case Studies Role playing Experiential management “games” and simulations Conferences – Facilitated open discussions
Training Methods: Management Mentoring – Traditional, Step-ahead, Peer – Informal vs. formal Coaching
26 3. Types of Training 1. Skills Training. 2. Retraining. 3. Cross-Functional. 4. Team Training. 5. Creativity Training. 6. Literacy Training. 7. Diversity Training. 8. Customer Service. Types of Training
27 1. SKILLS TRAINING Focus on job knowledge and skill for: Instructing new hires. Overcoming performance deficits of the workforce.
28 2. Retraining Maintaining worker knowledge and skill as job requirements change due to: Technological innovation Organizational restructuring
29 3. Cross-Functional Training Training employees to perform a wider variety of tasks in order to gain: Flexibility in work scheduling. Improved coordination.
30 4. Team Training Training self-directed teams with regard to: Management skills. Coordination skills. Cross-functional skills.
31 5. Creativity Training Using innovative learning techniques to enhance employee ability to spawn new ideas and new approaches.
32 6. Literacy Training Improving basic skills of the workforce such as mathematics, reading, writing, and effective employee behaviors such as punctuality, responsibility, cooperation etc.
33 7. Diversity Training Instituting a variety of programs to instill awareness, tolerance, respect, and acceptance of persons of different race, gender, etc. and different backgrounds.
34 8. Customer Service Training Training to improve communication, better response to customer needs, and ways to enhance customer satisfaction.
35 Training Methods ClassroomVideo On-the-Job Computer Assisted Instruction Simulation
When to Evaluate? Before, During, and After Training
Why Evaluate? Before Training Identify needs or problems. Identify specific job competencies to close gaps. Identify the type of evaluation needed.
Why Evaluate? During Development of Training Determine which staff should be the targets of training. Provide feedback to curriculum designers on content, methods, and materials. Determine if course delivery is consistent and follows curriculum specifications.
Why Evaluate? After Training Note changes in participants’ attitudes and reactions to the course. Assess trainees’ mastery of knowledge. Assess trainees’ mastery of skills. Assess transfer of new knowledge and skills to the job. Measure whether or not performance gaps have begun to close. Measure relationship of training to agency goals and client outcomes.
40 Formal evaluation: uses observation, interviews, and surveys to monitor training while its going on. Summative evaluation: measures results when training is complete in five ways: 1. Reaction 2. Knowledge 3. Behavior 4. Attitudes 5.Productivity III. Evaluating Training Effectiveness
41 Types of Evaluation Designs TrainMeasure Post Test Only. Cannot tell if there is a change in knowledge or skill. Measure Train Measure Pre-test with Post-test. Detects a change, but cannot tell if training was responsible.
42 Types of Evaluation Designs Measure Scientific Method: Training Group and Control Group. Compare performance of Training Group and Control Group after training. If Training Group has higher performance, it can be attributed to a training effect. TrainMeasure No Train Measure
Criteria for Training & Development There are two criteria for evaluation – 1)Internal criteria – associated with the content of training & development. 2)External criteria – associated with cost benefit analysis of training and development.
Internal criteria for Training & Development Under this there are many approaches, three most common are – 1)Urile- patrick approaches – 2)CIRO approaches 3)CIPP approaches
Urile- Patrick approaches This approach involve four levels of evaluation and answers to four question : Level Question ReactionWere the participant pleased with the programme? LearningWhat did the participant learn from the programme? BehaviorDid the participant change their behavior based on what was learned ? ResultDid the change in behavior positively affect the organization.
CIRO Approaches This approach gives importance to training and development evaluation in term of context, input, reaction and output (CIRO). Context Evaluation – it involves collecting of information about performance deficiency and setting objective with three levels – immediate, intermediate & ultimate. Input evaluation – answer of question like : a)Relative merit & demerit of different training & development? b)Is it feasible for outsourcing the training programme? c)Should it be organized with internal resources? d)How mush time required for preparation? e)What result were obtained when a similar programme was conducted in the past?
Contd… Reaction Evaluation – This includes subjective reports from the particulars about the whole programme and contains question about training and development materials, instructors, pedagogy, presentation, facilities etc. Outcome Evaluation – This includes the following aspects – 1)Defining training and development objective 2)Constructing measures of these objectives 3)Assessing the result and using them to improve future programmes.
CIPP Approach This approach takes context, input, process & product. 1.Context Evaluation- involves evaluation of training and development need analysis & formulating objective in the light of these needs. 2.Input evaluation – involves evaluation of determining policies, budgets, schedule & procedure for organizing programme. 3.Process evaluation – involve evaluation of preparation of reaction sheets, rating scales and analysis of relevant records.
Contd.. Product evaluation – involves measuring & interpreting the attainment of training & development objectives.