Gallery of Testimonials Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution
Testimonials Adam Smith Adam Smith Alexis de Tocqueville Alexis de Tocqueville Charles Dickens Charles Dickens Karl Marx Karl Marx Samul Smiles Samul Smiles Winston Churchill Winston Churchill John Keynes John Keynes Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell Joseph Schumpeter Joseph Schumpeter Eric Hoffer Eric Hoffer Deng Xiaoping Deng Xiaoping Thomas Friedman Thomas Friedman Naomi Klein Naomi Klein Riccardo Bellofiore Riccardo Bellofiore Jeanette Winterson Jeanette Winterson Luigi Zingales Luigi Zingales
Adam Smith ( ) Scottish social philosopher, pioneer of political economy father of modern economics and capitalism Reference text: The Wealth of Nations Focus : CapitalismCapitalism Cross cultural references: investigation of the causes of wealth aiming at the substitution of industrial freedom for a system of restriction Critical thinking: Capitalism, Political Economy, causes of wealth
Alexis de Tocqueville ( ) French Political thinker and historian Liberal position about democracy Reference text: Journey to England and Ireland(1835) Focus: ManchesterManchester Cross cultural references: J.Bentham, A. Tocqueville, A. Toynbee, K. Marx, F. Engels Critical thinking: Alienation, exploitation, industrialization, inequal distribution of wealth, bad working condition, double nature of capitalism, utilitarism
Charles Dickens ( ) English Victorian novelist remarkable characters superb telling technique symbolic portrait social class contrast Reference text: Hard Times (1854) Utilitarianism Focus: CoketownCoketown Cross cultural references: J.Bentham, A. Tocqueville, A. Toynbee Critical thinking: social rift, industrialization, wealth versus well-being, working class - capitalists
German philosopher, economist, sociologist, historian, journalist, and revolutionary socialist Critical of his contemporary economy, politic, society and culture Reference text: Das Kapital(1867) Focus: CapitalismCapitalism Cross cultural references: A. Toynbee, F. Engels, Luigi Zingales Critical thinking: industrialization, unequal distribution of wealth, money creates wealth Karl Heinrich Marx ( )
Scottish author and reformer. Reference text: Thrift (1875) Focus: CapitalismCapitalism Cross cultural references: K. Marx, E. Hoffer, T. Sowell, J. Schumpeter Critical thinking: Industrialization, metaphor of the multi – faceted nature of capitalism Samuel Smiles (1812 –1904)
British Conservative Politician statesman and orator, Nobel Prize for Literature twice Prime Minister (1940–45 and 1951–55) officer in the British Army historian, writer, artist he received the Nobel Prize in Literature Reference: Sir W. Churchill QuotesSir W. Churchill Quotes Focus : CapitalismCapitalism Cross cultural references: powerful command of the English language, literature Critical thinking: capitalism, socialism, blessing, industrialization, wealth versus well-being, working class, army Winston Churchill ( )
British economist He is considered to be one of the founders of modern macroeconomics, and the most influential economist of the 20th century. His ideas are the basis for the school of thought known as Keynesian economics Reference text: The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money (1936) Focus: Capitalism and direct interventionsCapitalism and direct interventions Cross cultural references: R. Bellofiore Critical thinking: industrialization, Keynesianism, direct intervention on financial problems John Maynard Keynes (1883 – 1946)
Joseph Alois Schumpeter ( ) An Austrian American economist and political scientist. Popularized "creative destruction" in economics Reference text: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy Focus: CapitalismCapitalism Cross cultural references: K. Marx, L. Zingales, R. Bellofiore Critical thinking: industrialization, the European financial situation, creative destruction
American social writer He was the author of ten books He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 1983 Reference text: (1971) Focus: CapitalismCapitalism Cross cultural references: J.Bentham, A.Tocqueville, A. Toynbee, K. Marx, F. Engels, Critical thinking: corruption of business and capitalism Eric Hoffer ( )
Politician and reformist leader of the Communist Party of China led China towards a market economy. Reference: Deng Xiaoping quotes Focus: CapitalismCapitalism Cross cultural references: K. Marx, E. Hoffer, T. Sowell, J. Schumpeter Critical thinking: market economy, to be rich is gloriouos because it gave power and wealth Deng Xiaoping (1904 – 1997)
American economist, social theorist, political philosopher, and author conservative thinker of the late 20th century America's leading philosopher seminal study on the role of Race in history explain the principles underlying modern economics he advocates laissez-faire economics and writes from a conservative and libertarian perspective.laissez-faire opposes Marxism, Reference text : Marxism: Philosophy and EconomicsMarxism: Philosophy and Economics Cross cultural references: J.Bentham, A.Tocqueville, A. Toynbee, K. Marx, F. Engels, Milton Friedman, George Stigler, F. A. Hayek, Joseph SchumpeterMilton FriedmanGeorge StiglerF. A. HayekJoseph Schumpeter Critical thinking: pushiness, justice and equality, civil rights, race and ethnicity Thomas Sowell (1930)
American journalist and author. He writes a twice-weekly column for The New York Times. He has won the Pulitzer Prize three times. Reference text: The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization(1999) Focus: Free-Market capitalismFree-Market capitalism Cross cultural references: J.Bentham, A.Tocqueville, A. Toynbee, K. Marx, F. Engels, Critical thinking: global trade, the Middle East, Globalization, environmental issues Thomas Friedman (1953)
Canadian author and social activist known for her political analyses and criticism of corporate globalization. Reference text: The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (2007) Focus: CapitalismCapitalism Cross cultural references: K. Marx, E. Hoffer, T. Sowell, J. Schumpeter Critical thinking: frontier capitalism shifting from crisis to crisis Naomi Klein (1970)
Full professor in political Economy at the University of Bergamo Reference text: An article from “the Guardian”(2011) Focus: A crisis of CapitalismA crisis of Capitalism Cross cultural references: Karl Marx, Hyman Philip Minsky, Yanis Varoufakis, Stuart Holland, John Maynard Keynes Critical thinking: actualization, financial problems in Europe Riccardo Bellofiore
Contemporary English Writer adopted by Pentecostal parents boundaries of physicality and the imagination, gender polarities, sexual identities Reference text: Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? Focus: ManchesterManchester Cross cultural references: A. Toynbee, K. Marx, F. Engels, C. Dickens Critical thinking: industrialization, wealth versus well-being, working class – capitalists, process of change, contradictions inside society. Jeanette Winterson (1959)
Italian economist and educator He’s the winner of the 2003 Germán Bernácer Prize to the best European economist under 40 working in macro-finance. Competition isn’t guaranted by the control organisms Reference text: A Capitalism for the People: Recapturing the Lost Genius of American Prosperity(3 June 2012) Focus: CapitalismCapitalism Cross cultural references: Adam Smith, Kenneth Joseph Arrow Critical thinking: actualization, financial problems in Europe Luigi Zingales (1963)