Camden County Travel Management Coordination Center Project Update Camden County WIB Board Meeting – March 26, 2008
United We Ride/Mobility Services for All Americans Joint Demonstration One of 8 demo sites System planning and design (Phase 1): March ‘07- June ‘08 Replicable, scalable model Two or 3 sites will be selected Fall ‘08 for system deployment and evaluation (Phase 2) funding “ITS technologies provide the means to enable service coordination and create a one-stop, customer-based travel reservation, information, and trip planning service for human service transportation.”
Employment Training (WIB)
Camden County Demonstration Project Goals: 1. Develop a Travel Management Coordination Center (TMCC) for Camden County that creates opportunities for better and increased transportation service throughout the County. 2. Increase access to existing public transportation for Camden County consumers. 3. Implement a comprehensive, inclusive, ongoing and responsive project planning process.
Stakeholder Participation Approach Leverage CCWIB’s extensive outreach & networks Leverage NJ’s UWR Coordinated Planning Process State Agency Support – NJCAM Governor’s Executive Order Talk to riders on the street & conduct focus groups
Current Conditions Suppressed demand Limited service area and hours Complex customer communications Limited coordination among area providers Limited integration of human service transportation with traditional public transportation
Needs Mapping Requirements to Design System Requirements User needs Expectations Goals Objectives System operation Complete Verifiable Validated Review/approval Concept of OpsHigh-level Design Develop/evaluate alternatives Identify connections Consider standards Preliminary design review What How
Six System Elements The first element (Faith-Based Collaborative) will provide an expanded capacity to serve unmet trip demand and augment the existing system Next five elements relate to the customer needs previously identified Use technology enhancements to address these needs
1. Faith-Based Collaborative Enable faith-based organizations to provide community transportation Enable faith-based organizations to participate in and benefit from TMCC communication services Enable cost efficiency through combined administration and purchasing
2. One-Call Transportation Communications Center Simplified access to transportation information for riders – via phone and web Will serve as a point for bringing new trip demand to existing providers Will share routing and scheduling software with key Camden County providers to facilitate trip sharing Existing providers will retain their customer intake, reservations and scheduling
3. Coordination of Provider Trip Functions Help providers to use their vehicle trips more efficiently Implement a shared software so that key providers can share customer trip and vehicle run information (Automated Routing/Scheduling) Enable provider dispatchers to see where all key provider vehicles are located in real time (GPS/AVL) Provide paperless trip reporting from vehicles and improved detail of data (MDC)
4. Seamless Fare and Billing System Enable unit trip costs for different providers to be billed to funding agencies (automated billing system) Enable customers to pay on vehicle electronically (smart card) Enable providers to generate reports in order to bill back to customers and funding agencies (billing reporting system) Courtesy Cross County Connection TMA
5. Customer Communications Provide the rider with information during their trip Enable the customer to access vehicle arrival information at key stops (Next Bus) Provide access to transit/provider information from key locations (kiosks) Provide alert information to customers (text messages, automated phone alerts) Pictures courtesy Cross County Connection TMA
6. Customer Security Provide the rider with security and information during their trip Provide On-Vehicle Security (Drive Cam) Provide security at key stops (security camera, emergency call button) Provide alert information to customers (text messages, automated phone alerts)
Looking Ahead: High Level Design Hardware, software, people, facilities Connections to other systems Develop and evaluate alternatives (find the best fit to System Requirements) Consider standards (ITS Architecture) Use commercial-off-the-shelf whenever feasible
Looking Ahead: Evaluation Potential funders must see a plan to show we are meeting project goals Select variables now Begin “before” data collection now Data collection from TMCC participants demonstrates commitment to funders Courtesy Cross County Connection TMA
Project Completion Timeline April 18 – Tech. Task Force: Develop System Design; Confirm Evaluation Measures May 2 – Tech. Task Force Meeting May 31 – ITS Architecture and Standards Gap Report due May 23 – Tech Task Force: Confirm System Design June 30 – System Design and System Phasing Implementation Plan due July 31 – Proposal for Implementation Funding due
For more information... Camden County Workforce Investment Board Supporting the development and retention of a world class workforce Welcome HomeThe ProjectLeadership CouncilWork GroupsCalendar Resources Travel Management Coordination Center Cor contact: Camden county Workforce Investment Board Donna Hardy Johnston