1 Passenger Information for Air China (Domestic) Reconfirmation of Reservation: Passengers having reserved seats on connecting or return flights must.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Passenger Information for Air China (Domestic) Reconfirmation of Reservation: Passengers having reserved seats on connecting or return flights must reconfirm their reservations at connecting or returning points not later than 12 o’clock noon 2 days before the date of flight if they stay there for longer than 72 hours, otherwise the seats reserved could not be kept. Ticket: The ticket is valid only for the passenger whose name appears on the ticket and is not transferable. The ticket will be void and not be refundable if it has been transferred, mutilated or altered. Validity periods of tickets: The validity period of the domestic route ticket is 90 day. The validity period of the ticket for the scheduled flight is calculated from 00:00 (zero hour) of the second day after the passenger is traveling, and for the non-scheduled flight, is calculated from 00:00 (zero hour) of the second day after the ticket is issued. Reconfirmation of Reservation: 座位再确认 connecting or return flights: 连程或回程票 12 o’clock noon 2 days before the date of flight: 起飞前两天中午 12 点前 be void and not be refundable: (客票)无效,(票款)不退 Validity periods of tickets: 客票有效期 scheduled flight: 定期客票 non-scheduled flight: 不定期客票

2 Passenger Information for Air China (Domestic) Children fare: Children between 2 and 12 years of age are charged at 50%of the adult fare. An infant under 2 years of age not occupying a separate seat and accompanied by an adult passenger is charged at 10% of the adult fare. Fares: Fares are the airfares from the airports of origin to the airports of destination, not including ground transportation fares between airports and downtown. Check-in Procedure: Passenger must arrive at the designated airport at the designated time and must produce their identity cards and tickets for check-in procedure. Check-in procedure will be halted 30 minutes before the flight time. Changes: If a passenger having purchased a ticket wishes to change the flight or the date of the flight, he should apply 2 days before the departure of the flight originally designated, and such change can only be made once. If he wishes to change the routing, the matter will be treated as refund and a new ticket should be purchased. Children fare: 儿童票 charged at 50% of the adult fare: 按成人的 50% 付费 not including ground transportation fares between airports and downtown: 不包括机 场与市区间的地面运输费用 Check-in Procedure: 登机手续 produce their identity cards and tickets for check-in procedure: 凭本人身份证及客票 办理登机手续 Changes: 变更 apply 2 days before the departure of the flight originally designated: 在原指定的航 班起飞前两天提出 be treated as refund: 按退票办理

3 1. On what condition must the passengers reconfirm their reservations? If the passenger stay there for longer than 72 hours, they must reconfirm their reservations not later than 12 o’clock noon 2 days before the date of flight.

4 2. How much is the children fare? Children between 2 and 12 are charged at 50% of the adult fare. an infant under 2 is charged at 10% of the adult fare.

5 3. What’s the check-in procedure? Passenger must arrive the at the airport at the designated time and produce their identity card and tickets for check-in procedure.

6 4. How does the passenger do if he wants to change the flight? He should apply 2 days before the departure of the flight originally designated and such change can only be made once.